✍ neighbour

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"Neighbour? No no no no! I have to see you around in school, let alone, sit next to you in class and now your my neighbour? Your kidding right?" I seriously cant live next to a conceited jerk, who purposely split ice cream all over me today.

"Sorry sweetheart. You know I've always lived next to you, except you've just never noticed. Oblivious much" he says with a disappointed head shake.

"Well sorry I don't pay attention to ice cream murderous" I say folding my arms across my chest. Ashton just laughs then makes his way inside; without even saying goodbye.


I make my way down the the front door; only then do I realise I left my keys at home today, because my brother was suppose to give me a ride. But since I was stupid enough to ditch with Ash he couldn't pick me up.

I push and pull the door hopping it will budge, but unfortunately it doesn't. After 3 more minutes of trying my arms give up and I take a seat on the step.

In an instant, I feel little drops of water coming from the sky.

You've got to be joking right? It can't rain.

I look back up at the sky and storm clouds are gathering and the sky is completely gray.

"No no no no. Please Mother Nature; don't let it rain on me" I beg.

But, unfortunately she didn't listen and buckets of rain starts pouring down right on me.

I hear faint laughter, and turn my head to see Ashton looking through his kitchen window.

"If you want, you can come over" he questions after he's done his laughing fit. I just nod. Soaking wet from the rain, I make my way over to his house, with my jacket over my head.

His house looks like mine; two story, skin colour bricks- overall welcoming, the complete opposite of Ash.

Before I could knock on the door, Ashton opened it for me. Shirtless and only wearing a towl. My eyes trail down hard eight pack. Holy fudge cakes.

"Take a picture, it might last longer" he says with a light chuckle. I just scowl and push him aside, welcoming myself into the house, letting him closes the door.

"I'll get you something dry" he says as he heads upstairs.

I take a seat at the table and look around. I see pictures of Ashton up on the walls with his mum and a boy that looks a little younger than him. But no dad. I wonder what happened? A boy as bad, must have a back story.

I hear Ash jogging down the stairs with a sweater. Once he reaches the bottom of the stairs he tosses the sweater to me, and my nose fills up with the familiar scent of Ashton.

"You're sweater?" I question. He nods.

I put the clothing on top of my current top and skirt. "Thank you, for this" I say pointing to the jumper. "And for letting me stay here" referring to the house.

"Anything for you sweetheart" he says with a wink.

"So you seriously didn't realise I lived next to you?" He says a little bit disappointed.

"Um- yea. I hope you weren't stalking me" I say as I wiggle my eyebrows.

"If you don't count looking through my bedroom window to see you watching Netflix and getting changed; than no. No I don't" he says with a light grin.

Suddenly I feel conscious of body, he's seriously seen me change? What a pervet.

Out of no where he starts laughing. "You should... Have... Seen your face.... Hahaha" well I'm guessing he was joking then.

"I'm joking, I would never want to look at that" he says pointing to my body. I scoff.

"Trust me, you will be begging for this later." I say with confidence.

"But you'll fall for this first" he says pointing to his own body.

"Oh really now? Is that a bet?" I ask and he nods.

"Bring it on" I say. When I finish that line, his lips crash towards mine.


Yay! 100 reads. Thank you for all the support. Love you! Stay strong.

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