✍ice cream

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My breathing hitches in my throat. The first time I try to do something bad, I get caught.

Figures right?

I hear Principal Higgins tapping her foot in a rhythmical beat. I feel like I could break out in dance; but this is a serious situation. I need to be serious.

If I were Indiana Jones I would do those Ninja moves on Miss, where I would say 'heeee yaa!"!And do a karate chop right in her big, fat nose but unfortunately, I'm not that talented.

I feel Ashton's breathing against my neck, and feel his lips brush against my ear.

"Run" he whispers. I hesitate for a second, but eventually turn around and bolt out of the school gates. After many yoga sessions with Wendy I could be called fit; but not if you'd compare me to Ashton.

He sprints out and is on the main road. I follow him, only a few meters behind. I hear distant yells from the principal, but ignore them; only hearing a few words such as 'you kids are in so much trouble! ' But hopefully I was mis leaded and that It was a blur of words since I had ran so far.

After 5 minutes of running in an unfamiliar direction; only following Ashton, we come to a stop at a park bench.

I place my hands on my knees, panting for air, because of my lack of fitness.

"So-" I take a breath. "Where's the ice-cream?" I question. All I get from Ashton is a deep and sexy chuckle.

"Otherwise, I ran all this way for nothing." I fold my arms over my chest. He just stares at me with a humorous expression on his face. But stays silence.

"If you brought me out here to smother me, I have pepper spray in my bag." I say with caution. "And a loud voice" I add.

"I'm pretty sure if u wanted to smother you I would have done it already, and if I was going to; I wouldn't now because you have spray" Ash says with all casualness. I scoff, who does he think he is, some God? I think not.

"Like I want to have sex with you any way." He says with a smirk and I frown.

"Like you wouldn't want a piece of this" I say moving my arms down my body.

"Id rather not. I've seen better" he says with his hands up in his pants.

"You know your dick belongs in your pants, not your personality." I retort with a grin from ear to ear.

"Who lit the fuse on your tampon?" I hear him murmur under his breath. My mouth drops open. How rude. That egotistical conceited barstard.

"Look Ashton, you made me ditch school just for you and if your going to treat me-" I was cut off by the familiar sound of the ice cream truck.

My head snaps into the direction of the tune and a smile erupts on my face.

"The ice creams here" Ashton says walking to the direction of the truck. I follow him, and only when I'm a few feet away I can make out the flavours available.

"Hello kiddos, I'm Paul. What would you like today?" And bald man wearing a pink stripy apron with the logo of the company; Uncle Paul's Ice cream says with a very enthusiastic expression.

"Can I please get a double scoop, vanilla ice cream with extra sprinkles and a chocolate flake please." I ask. In the corner of my eye I see Ash leaning against the truck, with his arms folded against his chest, smirking at me.

I turn to face him and say "What?"

"Nothing. Just didnt picture you as a vanilla girl" he says was a shrug.

"What girl did you picture me as?" I question curiously. Before Ash could reply, Paul the ice cream man said "That would be $4.50 please"

Shit shit shit! I didn't bring any money with me today. How am I going to pay? I ruffle my hands around in the pockets of my skirt, as if something would just pop up but all I find was a loose tic tac and a bobby pin.

Of course a bobby pin.

Guessing Ashton could see my worried face, he pulls out his wallet from his back pocket and hands Paul the exact amount of money needed.

I never thought Ashton would do that.

Who is him and where is the real him?

Paul hands me my ice cream, and I lick my lips like a baby would do when they see chocolate.

He starts walking back to the park bench and I follow before realising he didn't get one.

"Don't you want one?" I ask him.

"Na. It's fine, I can just share with you" he says as he takes a step closer to me.

"Hell no. Get your own if you really want one" I say in protest as I start licking my ice cream, to say that it's mine.

His pace starts fastening and take steps back. He pushes my hand, with my icecream into my face and I gasp.

He got ice cream all over my face.

"NO!" I say as I wipe my face where he smudged the ice cream. He turns around in a split second, and I bolt after him.

"Your going to die. Die I say! Die!" I hold ice cream up in the air, like I'm ready for battle, then when I finally get a foot away from him I jump on his back like Wendy did earlier.

He doesn't catch my jump and therefore falls face first on the grass.
I turn his body over and so he is facing me and sit in a straddle position; his legs in between mine.

I put my ice cream into his nose so that the melting content drips all over his face. I get up with a smirk on my face, not bothering to help him up.

"Serves you right" I say with a grin from ear to ear.


An hour later, when we finally stop mucking around, we decide it's time to head home.

We hop onto the bus and I'm seated in the very front row, next to an ice cream smudged victim as known as Ashton.

Still dripping and sticky from our little ice cream fight I turn to face Ashton and say "today was fun, but it would be better if it wasn't with you." Completely honest.

"Likewise" Is all he replies back to me.

I finally get of at the street of my house. I turn around to ash following me.

He has no Life. Can he stalk someone else?

Once I pass 4 more houses I turn around once again to see Ashton with his hands in his pockets still following me.

"Are you following me?" I question him, once I've had enough.

"Nope" he says popping the 'p', just to make me pissed.

I finally reach my house and my head snaps around, only to see no one there.

"Over here sweetheart." Ashton says as he shoves the key, into the lock next door to my house.

My mouth drops open. Does he live next door.

"What are you doing there?" I ask with curiosity.

"Howdy neighbour" he says with a manly chuckle.

Neighbour? Fudge cakes!

Bad Girl ↠ Ashton Irwin (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now