Chapter 15

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I lounged on the couch as I watched the hockey game.

"JD, you not coming? I'm gonna link up with the boys," Scott said as he put his jacket on to leave.

"I'm not up to it bro. I'm staying in tonight."

"So you're just gonna watch tv all night?" He asked while searching for his other foot of shoes.

"I'm going to sleep after the game," I answered.

He shook his head in disappointment as he picked the keys up off the table, "See you later man," then he opened the door to leave.

"Hey little Virgo," he said.

My eyebrows shot up in surprise and my body lifted in anticipation at the mention of her.

"Come in, I was just leaving," he looked between her and I before he folded his lips trying to hide the smile as he headed out.

She closed the door behind her.

"Hey," she said. She rested her purse down on the table.

She sniffled, her nose runny from the weather outside.

"Hey. What are you doing here?"

She lets go of the breath she was holding before speaking, "I was hoping we could talk."

I eyed her suspiciously, "I thought you said you didn't want to talk."

She unzipped her jacket and I took it from her and hung it by the door. "I have decided to let you know what's on my mind."

She had a seat beside me on the couch. Then she turned in my direction and finally asked what's on her mind, "Are you going out with Vanessa tomorrow?"

I sighed knowingly, "She asked me out two weeks ago."

"Hm," she hummed thoughtfully.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, "Who told you that?"

She shook her head while getting up from the couch, "It doesn't matter. I'm not questioning your choices, you're a grown, single, man Jeremy and you can do whatever you want. I was just hoping that I wasn't too late."

She headed for the door and I tugged her back by her arm.

"Marissa, you can't say that shit and walk away from me. What do you mean?" she continued staring at the ground.

I tilted her chin with my index finger so she could look up at me, "You avoided me for two weeks because we kissed," I reminded her. "I'm really confused right now, I need you to say what you mean because I can't keep making assumptions about what you want."

"I avoided you because I was trying to do the right thing. My brother has to share almost everything in his life with me, I didn't want him to share his best friend," she shook her head. "I've tried to stay away from you because I know we don't want the same things, but I can't even look at you without getting sex flash backs like some horny teenager," she stumbles over her words.

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