Chapter 10

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There's something hard pressing against my chest and something tickling my chin as I take a whiff of what smells like coconuts as I inhaled.

The moment before I opened my eyes is the most content I've ever felt in my life. Because when I do, nothing can prepare me for what I was about to see.

Marissa was laid peacefully sleeping on my chest and I smiled to myself.

I'm still on my side of the bed which means that she's the one who went over the pillows.

I have my arm wrapped around her waist though so I have no room to talk.

Her eyes are shut tight as her lashes lay on her cheek and her lips are partly open as she breathed deeply in her sleep.

I decided not to interrupt her peaceful nap, so I laid there with her head on my chest.

Her hair was so beautiful and interesting and I couldn't help myself when I started smoothing her hair down.

I ran my fingers through coarse yet smooth strands of hair, very different from the texture of mine but still great hair nonetheless.

It was curly and wiry in comparison, but as I said before I was fascinated.

She moaned in her sleep as I played with her hair.

She loved to be comforted so much, she was like a cat.

As if she noticed something was wrong, she opened her eyes.

She nearly leaped off the bed when she realized she was near me.

I laughed as I pulled away from her.

Since we've been friends again, she gets so frightened if I merely even touch her. Even if it's just a brush of my finger, she reacts to it like she's been shocked.

"What are you doing so close to me with your hard on at that?" I can see her pulse thumping in her neck as she looked up expectantly, waiting for an answer as she stared through her lashes.

"First of all, you're the one who crossed the border and secondly, it's morning wood. I don't want to get frisky with you so relax," I explained.

"I'm relaxed."

"Yeah right," I teased her and she slapped me with a pillow before getting up out of bed.

She picked up her clothes that are folded neatly on the dresser while checking her phone as well.

"Shit. It's six thirty in the morning. I have to leave before your teammates see me here. Put your clothes on we gotta go."

"I'm tired, can't you wait until seven?"

She frowned before heading to the bathroom to put her clothes on, "You don't get it do you? I don't want to be seen with you and have anyone thinking I'm one of your little whores."

"No one's going to think that," I stated, finally getting up from my bed.

"Yeah, cause you don't fuck around a lot," she said sarcastically.

"I don't, unlike the other guys I have standards. I don't sleep around. Especially not during the season. My only goal is to lead my team to victory."

She steps out of the bathroom now fully dressed, "Are you still talking? We gotta go."

I pull a T-shirt over my naked torso and button my jeans.

"Come on," I urged before grabbing my car keys and leading her to my car in the driveway.


I've just finished training and we're all in the locker room freshening up.

Being the captain of this team not only means that I lead us for the games, but I also try to steer my teammates in the right direction with my advice.

But you know what they say about the persons who give advice, they're the ones that need it the most.

Wren comes to me this evening once I'm done putting my clothes on and the locker room is cleared out so it's just us.

"Hey," he greets.

"Hey man. What are you still doing here?" I'm always the last person to leave.

"Just got a lot on my mind..." he mumbles but I hear him loud and clear.

"If you're not busy, I'd like to ask you something."

"Yeah sure," I respond.

He took a seat on the bench across from me.

"So you know it's just my mom who takes care of me and my sister right?" He asked and I nodded.

"Right now things are a bit tough at her job, her hours are being cut and I don't know if she's going to be able to hold us down. I don't even know if I'm going to be able to continue to play football because, what if my mom can't pay for my equipments anymore? The point is, she's struggling and I want to get a job to help her out. However, that would mean giving up on football, what do you think I should do?" He asks.

Fuck, he should help his mom because it's only right, but he's so damn talented I don't want him to give up on his dream.

"Look man. I think you should do whatever you think is right. But you're so damn talented at football that I don't think you should give up on that."

"I don't think I should either."

I sighed thoughtfully.

"I think you should talk to coach. Maybe you can work something out if you get a job or you can apply for scholarships as a football player to help out. I don't really know," I shrugged.

I always said I don't know after giving advice because there's no way I want to be blamed if things didn't go the way they expected.

He looks down at the cash I slipped in his hand then back up at me, "I can't..."

"Come on man, take it. I'll talk to you in regards to your equipment tomorrow. Just, don't worry about it. Focus on school and football for now," I responded.

He stuffed it in his jacket before dapping me up appreciatively.

"Thanks man," he said.

"That's the least. You gotta get going," I urged him.

He stood up with an appreciative smile on his face and he looked at me one last time before he picked his bag up by his feet.

"I'll see you tomorrow cap," he said and I nodded.

This is what being a captain is like for me. It's not just giving pep talks before a game, it's looking out for each other as a team.

Looking out for my brothers.

I see their potential, I see their drive for excellence and I want to see each and everyone of us make it. I want to see our dreams fulfilled, because we all have the same dream, as to why we work so well as a team.


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