Chapter 2

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That night, I was at my shift at The Grill.

I started working here in my sophomore year when things started getting rocky with my dad.

The place was popular among college students, especially on Fridays when young adults were just craving greasy food.

However, I didn't eat here because it made me feel awkward to eat somewhere I worked.

My friend and co worker, Tia, came over to me as I was filling the salt shakers in the back.

"You're up for table eight Marissa," she informed me before going about her business.

I finished filling the final salt shaker before dusting off myself then picking up an order pad.

I slide a pen behind my ear and make my way over to the table.

The guy had his head down looking at the menu when I approached him.

"Welcome to The Grill, I'm Marissa and I'm your server for tonight," I announced capturing his attention.

I watched as his eyes dragged up my body slowly. I took a sharp intake once our eyes meet.

Forest green eyes pinned me down.

What the hell is he doing here?

"Marissa Virgo, I can't even remember the last time we spoke," the green eyed boy stated, before forcing a chuckle and shaking his head in disbelief.

My chest heaved as I watched him carefully.

This is going to be a long night.

Even though I say boy, make no mistake he is all man. With his handsomely, structured face and his tall, lean, yet muscular body.

There is nothing boyish about him at all.

"Don't," I warned.

"I won't," he replied bluntly.

He's never eaten here before so I know exactly what he's come for.

I try to remain cool so that he doesn't know how affected I am by him being here. "Would you like to start with some refreshments?" I asked, pushing all ill feelings aside.

It was taking everything in me not to go have another waitress take over his table, but by the looks of it they were all busy so I had to stay professional.

"I didn't see it on the menu, but I was wondering if I could get a tutor?" he asked, looking up at me through his long lashes.

When he noticed me still waiting for him to get serious he dropped the act.

"I'd like a coke," he answered then his eyes flickered to the menu.

I licked my lips and looked away shaking my head. I just knew it.

"Did Marcus tell you where I work?" I asked knowingly.

"He did actually," he replied honestly before leaning back casually in the chair.

"What's next? You're gonna show up to all of my classes?"

"Maybe. It depends. If that's what it takes to make you tutor me then by all means I'll do it," he admitted playing with the salt jar on his table.

I bit my lip in agony, "Why me?" I inquired, resting my right hand on my hip.

"Because, I asked Kiara and she didn't know anything and said that she barely passed, three quarters of the class failed and the rest who passed don't wanna help me because they think that I'm a jackass, so that leaves you. If I had a choice I wouldn't be here. I'm not the pushy type so I tend to stay away from people who want nothing to do with me." When he said, that he lifted his eyes to meet mine before I looked away.

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