Chapter 11

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The weeks went by in a flash and before you knew it, it's Friday, the day we'd get our papers back.

The test last week was absolutely brutal, but after countless study sessions prior, I think that I must have managed to pass.

I'm anxious to see my paper, but as usual our lecturer doesn't hand them out until the last five minutes of the session.

She trailed on and on about the new topic trying her best to grasp the dwindling attention of the students on the brink of sleep.

Quite frankly, our lecturer is boring. Doesn't make things interesting to learn and is more complex than the text book.

This is my only class where I find that it's just simpler for me to go read my text book, because in comparison to professor Goodison, it makes things a lot clearer.

Sociology is one of my favorites, but, I can understand why it isn't for others. Professor Goodison did not bring it across as an interesting course.

Finally, after five minutes left of the two hour session, she hands out the test papers.

"I must say that I'm proud of the few of you that have outperformed your last test. Keep up the good work. For those of you who failed this however, I hope your previous term grades were good enough," she mutters as she hands the papers out row by row.

When I collect my paper, I turn it over to see the big A on it. I exhale in relief before I turn it to the side to show Kiara. She lifts hers to show that she got an A minus.

Ecstatic doesn't even explain how I feel.


When the session ends, I put my books together and tuck my test paper into a folder before I see Kiara off to her next session and I head home.

I'm snuggled up in my blankets on the couch watching tv after my shower. It was a peaceful day. I had no more classes for the rest of the day so I could just chill. 

At least that's what I thought would happen before my brother and Jeremy barged through the door making a whole lotta noise.

There's bottles of high content alcoholic beverages in their hands.

I sat up on instinct and watched them as they entered the apartment.

"May I ask what this is all for?"

Marcus smirks as he takes his jacket off, "We're starting our celebration early."


"I got an A," Jeremy answers and a huge smile spreads across his face.

"And I am beyond happy about that shit. Do you know what that means? It means we're back in the game," Marcus cheers before kissing my forehead triumphantly and going off to his room.

Jeremy chuckles before he sits beside me on the couch.

"Congratulations. Although I must say, thank God you passed. I can't even imagine the amount of haters your failure would bring me," I said playfully.

He rolls his eyes, "Thank you Marissa."

"You're welcome," I responded before turning my attention back to my movie.

"What are you watching?"

"I don't know, I was skipping through the channels and it seemed interesting," I shrugged.

"Tomorrow's the team dinner I don't know if Marcus told you," he states.

"Yeah he told me about it." I glanced at him curiously before forcing my eyes away.

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