Chapter 5

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Kiara and I sat facing each other at the booth as we had our food.

She scanned the area looking around for her boyfriend.

When she spots him, she couldn't stop the smile even if she tried.

He kissed her lips before sitting down beside her.

Brian's tall, dark and handsome, and definitely has it going on.

"Marissa," he greeted, dazzling me with his smile.

"Hey Brian," I answered.

"You good?"

"Yeah, we haven't seen you in a while, you're busy with your music?" I asked.

"Yeah," he answered still smiling.

He dived into telling us about his current project.

He's a music major so most of his time is spent writing and composing.

Kiara met Brian in her history class. Their majors are totally different, so they're beyond lucky that they even crossed paths at all.

At that time, my brother and his friends entered the chill spot making a heap of noise.

When he spotted us, he started walking over.

He sat beside me after greeting Kiara and Brian, and threw his arm over my shoulder.

"Hey sis, I need a favor," he said and I pushed his arm off my shoulder.

"What now?" I snapped.

He blinked at my harsh tone, "I need three hours with the apartment."

Here we go.

"What for?" I asked playing along.

"You know what..."

I shook my head, "No, I wanna take a nap before I've got to tutor your captain, remember?" I asked.

"Shit. Can't you guys study at his place?" He asked hopefully.

"You want me to go over to an all boys apartment? Aren't you the one who's always telling me not to go by myself to a frat house? Their apartment is practically a frat house."

"Ri, don't be difficult. There ain't nobody over there that would make a move on you," Marcus defended.

"You better hope not," I stated.

"What will you do for me if I do this for you?" I asked sipping my drink.

"I'll do the chores for a week."

I stared at him unimpressed.

"Alright, I'll do the chores for a month, including cooking."

I smiled successfully, "Good, you've got yourself a deal. But you have to take me there, it's almost eight."

I picked my cross bag up from the table as I got ready to leave.

"No problem," he agreed, smiling and I rolled my eyes.

I announced my departure to Kiara and Brian before I followed Marcus to his car.

Unfortunately for me, there's a girl in the front who my brother can't keep his hands off of.

"Marcus... Let me off down the road if you plan to be nasty."

"Oh shit, I'm sorry," he said and pulled his hand from underneath the girl's dress.

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