Chapter 17

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My phone buzzed insistently, begging me to answer it as I assorted a folder of paintings for the art competition that I had entered.

I picked it up and answered without checking the caller ID, "Hello?"

"Hello love." I smiled at the familiar voice.

"Hey handsome, what did I do to deserve your call?"

He laughed smoothly through the speakers of my phone.

"I was just checking on you. Am I allowed to do that?"

I bit my lip to contain my smile, "Certainly."

"How are your bruises?"

He groaned, "They still fucking hurt. I have to ice it every night when I get home."

"I'm sorry."

He sighed, "You have nothing to be sorry for, I love what I do. This is just one of the many cons of playing football. Didn't you promise to make it better by kissing all of my boo boos for me though?" he asked teasingly.

I rolled my eyes playfully, "I did and I will but I'm busy right now. Trying to win that first place prize."

He snickered, "Marissa, I was joking. I'm out of town remember? We play Stanford tomorrow," His amusement resonated in his tone.

"Oh right," I squeezed my eyes shut at my forgetfulness. "When do you get back?"

"I'll be back by Friday," he assured me.

"I miss you."

"I miss you too," he replied.

"Can I see you when you get back?"

"If you're not busy with your project. I don't want to distract you," he teased.

I giggled, "Aren't you distracting me now?"

"And those pictures you sent me yesterday... weren't they distracting?"

"Boy, be quiet," I laughed.

He sighed, "I don't even want to think about that shit before bed. I'm going to bed, I gotta make you proud tomorrow."

I narrowed my eyes in disbelief, "If you think I actually believe that your lying ass is going to bed... Good night Jeremy, I wish you the best of luck tomorrow and I hope you finish watching that stupid show early so you can get your eight hours of sleep."

He chuckled, "It's not stupid Ri, but good night."

I smiled, "Can't wait to see you," I replied then I hung up and went back to my project.


Kiara blew a breath out, exasperated, as we both endured the start of a brutal two hour Sociology lecture.

It's Friday and I'm jittery knowing that Jeremy has returned and is now sitting in his usual seat in the back.

I took a quick peek at him and to my surprise he was already watching me. His tongue moved to his cheek to hide his smile and I looked away quickly.

"Girl, why you smiling?" Kiara asked concerned.

"I just remembered something," I lied.  She shook her head.

When class ends, Kiara leaves me to go to her next lecture and I make my way outside of the lecture hall.

I sat on a bench outside near the parking lot waiting on Jeremy to come out.

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