Chapter 13

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                   Flashback - third person

Two years prior to now, Marissa, Marcus and Brian, their dad, had just moved back to California.

Brian, had previously lived here with his family before his wife died and he moved his family out to New York for a fresh start.

Unfortunately, the twin's grandparents died and so with the twins being the the beneficiary on their grandparents' will, Brian decided to move back home with his twins who were at the time fifteen years of age.

He also wanted the twins to live in the town that their parents met and fell in love.

Now, they're two years older, teenagers who are hellbent on driving him insane.

It's July, which means it's summer and the pair of twins are having the time of their lives.

Brian's business partner's son, Jeremy, and Marcus, were out the back smoking a joint accompanied by the rest of their high school football team.

They were having some type of gathering with the loud hip hop music playing and the beer they were consuming.

Just then, Marissa marched outside to give her twin a piece of her mind.

"Marcus, could you turn that music down, I'm trying to watch a show."

"You're such a loser it's Friday," Marcus rolled his eyes.

"Marcus I'm serious, this is so unfair! Why do you always gotta be like this?"

Jeremy looked over at the fight they were about to have and decided to interrupt.

He placed a hand on Marcus' shoulder halting the words he was about to utter, "Let's just take it to my place."

"Fine. But you're a spoiled fucking brat Marissa and I hope you know that," Marcus hissed his teeth and walked away from where they stood.

"Thank you, I guess," she said to Jeremy in a stunned tone whilst eyeing him suspiciously.

Jeremy almost always stopped a fight that could break out between the twins.

He's been nice to her since the two years they've been living here but he's still one of Marcus' friends so she steered clear.

He feigned indifference to her response since she said it every time he saved her from Marcus' wrath.

"Go put some pants on, the boys are lusting at your little ass that they can't have." And there it is, the nonchalant attitude towards me Marissa thought.

He walked away from her and when she looked around most of the guys were indeed looking at her so she rolled her eyes and headed inside.

The twins were at the Manning's house almost every day since the starting of summer.

Mrs. Manning, who's a beautiful, short, woman, was always making the best meals and since the Virgo's dad barely knows how to cook or was barely even at home and they were motherless, they spent most of their time with the Mannings.

Tonight's dinner was Ropa Vieja, which was Cuban style shredded beef with rice.

Ronnie and Jacob who were Jeremy's siblings were also present and it caused loud chattering across the table.

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