Chapter 7

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A surge of emotions overwhelm me as I face the door to Jeremy's place.

I was at my bookstore job this morning and I just finished my shift at The Grill not too long ago so just imagine how exhausted I feel.

Jeremy and I decided that we'd study at his place from now on, but it takes a lot out of me to come to his house after my tiresome shifts.

At the third knock a blond haired guy, tall and slightly muscular opens the door.

"Hello gorgeous, are you the tutor?" He asked leaning on the doorway of the apartment.

"Yes... why?" I asked suspiciously.

His blue eyes trailed my body from head to toe, "No disrespect, but you look very distracting," he stated. "Does he learn anything?"

I narrowed my eyes, "He does," I replied confidently and he smiles at my defensive tone.

I spot Jeremy as he comes down the stairs with a familiar looking dark haired guy.

I stepped pass the blonde at the door, who gives me way as I enter the house.

"Don't harass her, she's Marcus' sister," Jeremy warned.

Blondie pulls a really face, "I know that, they're identical and I was just trying to have a serious conversation with her."

"Right," I responded sarcastically before extending my hand towards him as he laughed.

"I'm Marissa," I introduced myself.

Blondie smiled, "I'm Daniel," he said, grasping my hand in his and I shook it before we pulled apart.

"I'm Scott," the dark haired guy steps forward to shake my hand as well.

"You look very familiar," I muttered as I studied Scott.

"I'm one of the wide receivers on the team," he answered.

I pursed my lips, "Not that, I know that you're apart of the team. I think we've met before though."

His eyebrows drew together in confusion as he thought. Then he snapped his fingers suddenly, "You're right. We used to be in the same math class freshman year," he said.

"Right! Cause I know I don't pay any attention when at the games, so I had to have known you from before," I said.

He chuckled, "Yeah."

Jeremy is watching us from the couch impatiently.

I exhaled, "It was nice meeting you both but let me get to what I'm here for."

"Daniel and I were actually just leaving, so you guys have the place to yourself. All quiet and suitable for studying and other things," Scott responded wiggling his eyebrows before picking his jacket up.

"Yup, sadly we're going to another party without you," Daniel pats Jeremy on the shoulder.

"Get outta here," Jeremy waves them off.

"I'll see you later sweetheart," Daniel winks at me before Scott pushes him out the door and they're both on their way.

"Missing another party?" I asked before plopping down on the couch beside him.

"Yeah... parties are the same repetitive shit though so I'm not really missing anything," he replied and I nod in agreement.

"Did you do what I asked you to?"

"Yeah," he answered before handing me his paper.

"This looks... long." I said leisurely skipping through the five typed sheets.

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