Chapter 10

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Becky entered Seth's house and immediately took off her shoes. She can feel Seth staring at her.

"Would you like some water," he said.

"Yes water would be nice. But I would like very much to drink something in front of me," Becky says with a smirk plastered on her face.

Seth gradually went towards her and whispers in her ear.

"Why you think I ask if you wanted water. You need to get as much energy in you for my plans later," he replied.

"What are your plans Mr. Rollins," she ask while biting on her lower lip.

"You will have to wait and see," he replied to her. He quickly left and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water for Becky. While Becky was walking around and looking at the paintings on the wall. When she sees a picture. She quickly picks it up. She sees a brunette women holding a baby. Next to it she sees Seth. In the picture he is hugging the brunette. She doesn't notice that Seth had return until he yells at her.

"PUT THAT DOWN," he yells.

Becky jumps and quickly put the picture down.

"Seth it's not what it looks like," she replied.

"Oh really. Because it looks like you were snooping through my stuff," he said.

"No the picture was just there," she tries to explain.

"Get out," he says.

"What," she ask in surprise.

"You heard me. I said get out," he tells her.

"Seth please," she said.

"No get out of here," he says once more.

Couple minutes have gone by and Becky is still standing there.

"BECKY GO," he yells and pushes her down. Her but landed on the floor. Becky looks up in shock of what just happen. No one has ever laid hands on her before. Tears streaming down her face. Seth realize what just happen. He immediately went towards Becky and tries to help her. But she put her hand in front of him signaling him to just stop. She quickly makes her way to her feet.

"Becky I'm sorry," he tries to tell her.

"No I heard you I will leave," she said. She makes her way to the door and puts on her shoes. She quickly opens the door, but was stopped when Seth grabs her arm.

"Please Becky I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you," he says.

"It's fine. I guess I needed a wake up call," she explains.

"What does that mean," he ask.

"It means that we are nothing but professional to each other. No more of whatever this was," she tells him. Tears streaming down her face. While Seth is shaking his head profusely.

"No don't do that. Don't push me away. I will make it up to you. I promise," he says.

"No whatever this was it ends tonight," she tells him.

"Becky please," he tells her.

"You were the one who wanted me to go. So I'm leaving," she says.

"Not like that. Becky whatever we have is special," he replies.

"No what we had was just sex," she tells him.

"No it wasn't and you know that," he tells her.

"Yes it was goodbye Seth and see you at work Captain," she replies. After that Becky walks out the door. She doesn't even look back. She climbs into her car and drives away.

Seth is standing there with tears in his eyes. After a couple minutes of standing there. He goes back inside. He sees the picture that Becky was holding. He immediately throws it into the wall. All you could hear was a small crash. Now the picture is broken.

Becky knocks on the apartment door. Dean immediately opens it. He is worried. He sees tears stained on her cheeks.

"Becky are you okay," he said.

"No I need you Dean," she replies with sniffles.

"Come here Munchkin," he said.

End of this chapter. Hope you guys enjoy. Wow a lot happened. Comment your thoughts. Don't forget to vote. Until next time. Love you all.

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