Chapter 1

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Dean, Becky and Finn
"Becky and Dean wake up. We are gonna be late. So get your ass up. We don't want to be late, since today we are gonna meet the new captain," said Finn.

"I have a problem," Dean and Becky both say in unison.

Finn's Pov
So I went into Dean's room and I see that he has a girl in his bed.

"Dean fix this," I told him.

"How," he told me.

"I have no idea. Just do it," I said.

I can hear him grunt when I left his room. I made my way towards Becky's room. I see a guy sleeping in her bed.

"Are you guys serious," I said.

"What," she replied.

"Sometimes I can't with you and Dean," I told her.

"Can you help me," she ask.

"No. Like I told Dean. You fix this on your own," I said.

I can hear her grunt when I left her room. I prepare two sets of Advil and some water. Because last night they had a long one. I swear Dean is the boy version of Becky. Becky is the girl version of Dean.

Dean's Pov
Gonna kill Finn. Now I have to do is all on my own. My head is spinning.

"Miss," I said while shaking her up.

I see her stir and I can hear her grunt.

"Hello," she said.

"Hi I kinda need you to leave," I said.

"Why," she ask.

"I have work to do and can you just leave," I told her.

"Fine. So call me," she said.

"Sure," I responded. Which I never do.

"Oh by the way my name is Paige," she said.

She got changed and left the apartment.
I slowly got out of bed and get ready for today.

Becky's Pov
Well I have to do this all on my own.

"Sir wake up," I told him.

I see him opening his eyes. He looks at me with a smile.

"Hello sweetheart," he told me.

"Hi can you leave," I said.

"Why," he ask in shock.

"Because I have work to go too," I told him.

"You know you can always skip it and we can do our own workout," he said.

"Sorry but no and I only do one nightstands sir," I told him.

"By the way my name is Sami. Call me if you change your mind," he told me.

"Goodbye," I told him. Yeah right. I am definitely not calling him.

I see him leaving my room. So I quickly get change. Once I see that he has left the apartment. I quickly exited out of my room. I see Finn and Dean looking at me. I quickly grab the Advil and water. I hate hangovers.

"About damm time you two," said Finn.

"My head hurts," Dean and I both say in unison.

"Well that's what you get for drinking way too much," said Finn.

"Yeah, yeah can you save the whole father speech for later," I told him.

"Fine let's go," said Finn.

So we made our way into Finn's car. Since Dean and I both have massive headaches. We can't drive to the station. So Finn is driving.

Once we made it to our station. Which is station 11. I see Roman and Charlotte waiting.

"What took you guys so long," Charlotte ask.

"These two decided to go to the bar last night and get super wasted," said Finn.

"Don't tell me they sleep with people," said Roman.

"They sure did and I made them deal with it this morning," said Finn.

"Why can't you just stick with one man Becks," said Charlotte.

"Because Char that's too much work. I prefer the sex and the alcohol," I said to her.

"I agree with Becky," said Dean.

"Jesus Christ," said Charlotte and Roman in unison.

"LINE UP EVERYONE," Chief Hunter yelled out loud.

Narrator's Pov
Everyone lined up.

"As you know Captain Ric Flair has retired. Today is the day we welcome our new captain. Everyone say a warm welcome to your new captain. His name is Seth Rollins," said Chief Hunter.

Everyone sees a tall man. With long brown hair and brown eyes step forward. He looked very serious.

"Do you want me to introduce to you the team Captain," said Chief Hunter.

"That won't be needed. So let's get the day started. Everyone go inside and line up. Time for uniform check," said Captain Rollins.

Everyone was confuse, because they never do uniform check.

Captain Rollins was getting a little inpatient.

"NOW," he yelled out load. The team went inside very quickly.

End of this chapter. Hope you guys enjoy. Comment below your thoughts. What do you think of the characters so far. Until next time. Love you all.

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