Chapter 11

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Finn came home in the middle of the night from his date with Bayley. To find Dean and Becky cuddle up together. He sees dean has his arms around Becky. While Becky's head is on his chest. They both are deep in sleep. He notice that Becky has tears stained on her cheeks. He is wondering what happened? But he immediately shots down that thought and he will ask in the morning.

Couple hours have gone by.

Dean woke up and slowly got ready for work. He was extra quiet to not wake Becky up yet. He checks his phone and sees a text from Paige. Saying yes to the coffee date. That he has planned with her after shift. He is excited, but will tell Becky and Finn when he is ready to be open about his relationship with Paige. So he makes his way to the kitchen.

Becky wakes up to an empty bed. She knew Dean must of waken up earlier than her. She is dreading going to work today. She doesn't want to face Seth. Not after last night. But she has to, because she doesn't want her other friends and crew to act suspicious. She slowly gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom. She takes a good look at herself. Her hair is a mess. She has tears stained. Her eyes are bloodshot. Looks like she been crying all night, which she was. She quickly wipes her face with water and puts makeup on to hide her dark circles. Also hide her redness areas. Once she finish getting ready, she makes her way to the kitchen. She sees Dean and Finn already.

"Good morning Bex," they both say in unison.

"Good morning," she replies.

They all got into Finn's car and Finn was driving them to the station. Once they made it. They all went inside. Towards the kitchen for their breakfast with the team. Becky sees Roman and Charlotte she quickly give them both hugs. When everyone got done with their greetings. They all sat down and had pancakes for breakfast. All except their captain who didn't show up for breakfast. He came later and introduce to them a new crew mate that will be joining their team.

"Everyone I would like to introduce to you Sasha Banks. She will be apart of Station 11 from now on," Seth said.

Everyone clapped their hands from the news. After that the Captain left. Becky and Seth didn't even look at each other. Becky was drinking water, when she hears Sasha speak for the first time.

"Our Captain is hot. I wouldn't mind sleeping with him," she tells the team.

Becky quickly spits out her water in surprise. Everyone turns around at her sudden reaction.
Charlotte gives her a questionable look.

"It's against the rules," she said to Sasha.

"So what it's not like I care about the rules," Sasha said.

"But your job is gonna be on the line," said Charlotte.

"Only if no one tells then I'm good," Sasha replies.

This angers Becky for some reason. She doesn't know why, but the thought of Seth having sex with someone else. It angers her. But then again it sadden her, because she is not allowed to tell him what to do anymore.

Roman breaks the silence.

"So Sasha you are new to the team and each new person that comes onto the team. Has to tell us something about themselves," Roman said.

"Hmm ok I'm Sasha Banks. I just turned 34 like last week. I'm single," she said.

"This isn't a dating site," said Dean.

Finn quickly hits his shoulder.

"Ouch Finn and it's true," said Dean.

Becky quickly snorts. Charlotte, Roman and Finn all gave her a look. Saying don't. While Sasha gave her a glare in hatred. Dean on the other hand gave a smile at her reaction.

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