Chapter 8

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After Finn, Becky and Dean finished munching on some pizza. Finn went to throw away the pizza box. While Finn was gone. Dean got straight into it.

"So who did you sleep with," he ask her.

"Really now. Not giving me a day to relax," she said.

"Nope now tell me," he said.

"First you tell me what's going on with you and Paige," she said.

"Really," he said.

"Yes," she said.

"Fine well you remember she was my one night stand," he said.

"Yes I remember," she responded.

"Well we had sex again," said Dean.

"Wait Dean Ambrose had sex with the same person twice. I am shook," she tells him in a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah yeah well there were slip ups for possibly a third time," he said.

"You like her," she said in childish tone.

"I do not," he replied with the same tone.

"Yes you do," she replied.

"I am done talking about this. Now tell me who is he," he said.

"Fine his name is Seth," she said.

"You slept with Captain Rollins. So how was that like," he said.

"The best sex I ever had," she said.

"Really," he said.

"Yes omg the way he touches me, how controlling he is and the way he moves his...." before she could even finish. Dean interrupted her.

"TMI," he said.

"Sorry," she said.

"It's alright so are you two official," he said.

"What do you mean," she ask him.

"Like boyfriend and girlfriend," he said.

"No we are just sex partners," she tells him.

"I am guessing that was your idea," he said.

"Yes and you know I don't wanna get into a relationship," she said.

"I know," he replied.

They see Finn coming back and so they stop talking about it.

"So what are you guys talking about," he said.

"About Paige," she said with a smile.

"I hate you Becky," said Dean.

"You love me," she replied to Dean.

"Yeah sure," he said.

"Charlotte and Roman inviting us to their place," said Finn.

"Right now," whine Becky.

"Yes," replied Finn.

"But I wanted to sleep and shower," she said.

"Well too bad. You should probably shower you smell like sex. How many rounds did you go," Finn said.

Before Becky could even open her mouth. Finn said something.

"You know I don't wanna know the answer to that. Just go shower and put on some clean clothes," said Finn.

So Becky got off of the couch and made her way into her bathroom. After thirty minutes she finished getting ready. She makes her way out of her room and into their living room. She sees Finn and Dean both ready to go.

"Finally," said Finn.

"You didn't have to wait that long. So don't over exaggerate," she tells Finn.

"Let's just go. I am hungry," said Dean.

"You just had pizza," both Finn and Becky said in unison.

"I am still hungry," said Dean.

With that being said. They all got into Finn's car and Finn drove them to Charlotte and Roman's place. Once they made their way into Charlotte and Roman's apartment. Becky sees a familiar face. Their Captain Seth Rollins is also here. So Becky ask Charlotte.

"What is he doing here," Becky ask her best friend Charlotte.

"He is now part of our team. So we should get to know him a little better. You better act on your best behavior today. That goes for you too Dean," said Charlotte.

"Did you call my name Charlie," said Dean.

"What have I told you about calling me Charlie," Charlotte said in an angry tone.

"To not call you. But I don't have to listen to you," said Dean.

Roman gives Dean a glare.

"Okay okay I won't call you Charlie," said Dean.

While everyone burst into laughter over the fact that Dean is scared of Roman. Except Seth was just sitting alone. Becky looks at him and he looks at her. But she takes her glance away when Charlotte speaks up.

"Captain Rollins come join us," Charlotte said.

"You can call me Seth since we are not at work," he tells her.

"Okay Seth," Charlotte replies.

Charlotte moves her focus from Seth to Becky.

"So how was the date with AJ," she said to Becky.

"Um it was alright," she said.

"She slept with another guy," said Finn.

"FINN," Becky yells.

"What," he tells her.

"She wasn't supposed to know," said Becky.

"Thank you for telling me Finn. Really Bex," said Charlotte.

"You know it just happened," Becky said while both Seth and Becky make eye contact. No one noticed except for a certain Dean Ambrose. Who gave a quick push to Becky. She responded with a glare at him. Dean responded with his arms raised up in defense.

"So who is the guy," said Charlotte.

"Just some random guy. I forgot his name," Becky tells them.

"Oh really," Seth finally spoke up.

While Dean Ambrose is just smirking.

"I give up," said Charlotte.

"She is a lost cause," said Roman.

"So where is the food," Dean said.

Dean switches the conversation quickly. Becky knew he did it for her. So she whispered a quick thank you to him and Dean nods in response.

That was their Saturday day was talking and eating. Seth was now getting closer with the whole entire team. Will Becky and Seth's secret stay hidden from the rest of the team? Or will it become the talk of the whole entire firefighter department?

End of this chapter. Hope you guys enjoy. Hoped you had a great Valentines Day. Comment below your thoughts. Until next time. Love you all.

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