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((TW: One or two cuss words))

12:47 am

George was unpacking a few of his things. Dreams room smelled like lemons. George's eyes scanned the room and landed on a painting. It was fan art, but not like the others scattered across the walls.

It was a (very realistic) portrait of Dream and George... The words 'Dnf 4 ever' scribbled along the bottom of the frame.

George was quite surprised that Dream had Dnf fan art in his room, but it was just a painting so he didn't think much of it.

Dream walked in. "Hey George, If you need anything just wake me up okay?"

"Are you sure you're okay with sleeping on the couch? Can you even fit on there?" George felt bad for taking Dreams bed... but it was Dreams Bed. He was gonna be sleeping where Dream slept every night.

"Eh I'll be fine I'm sure" Dream walked over the George and opened his arms to hug George.

George didn't know what to say. He felt warm. He wanted to stay  like that for hours, but he knew he couldn't.

"Goodnight Georgie~" Dream whispered into his ear. George froze, it felt like his face was on fire. He knew he was blushing, but there was no way to hide it when Dream pulled out of the hug.

Dream smiled and shook his head. He turned to leave but George grabbed his arm.

"Dream, there's enough room on your bed for the both of us. I'll sleep on one side and you can sleep on the other" George couldn't believe he just said that.

Dream seemed surprised, but kinda relieved he wouldn't have to sleep on the couch.

"Sounds OK to me" Dream said, with a large smile planted across his face.

George and Dream climb into the bed, George on the right side, Dream was on the left. George was staring at the back side of Dream, well since he was faced away from George. George felt himself slowly drift off into sleep.

"What the fuck?" Sapnap stood, jaw almost touching the floor.

George rubs his eyes. He groaned. "What?"

George thought he was cuddled up against one of Dreams pillows. But he soon realized it wasn't a pillow. He felt himself doze off for a second, but when he came back into reality, all he could hear was Sapnap and Dream arguing.


"Mhm sureee~ that's a very bad excuse Dream"

"It's called being considerate, something you don't know how to be!"

"Can you guys stop fighting" George spoke in his morning voice. He rolled over, not realizing they were laying right next to the edge of the bed. He fell off.

"Ow" George held his upper-arm.

Dream shot up and looked down at George on the floor. He reached for George's hand and lifted him back to his feet slowly.

"Thanks" George was embarrassed, once again. "Uhh where is the bathroom?"

"Okay so, if you walk down this hallway, it should be the third door down." Dream said.

George was the first one to finish his bowl of cereal. "Wow. That was sooo good. What are these called again?" The cereal was very colorful, but it George's eyes it kinda looked like shit. The only colors he saw was yellows and browns and dark purples.

"Are you joking? Fruit loops? I can't believe you haven't had them before" Sapnap tried to sound disappointed but that didn't work.

"Yeah whatever. I think I have my new favorite cereal." George walked over to the sink and washed his bowl and spoon.

Dream looked disgusted. "Did you just wash your bowl by hand?? You know I have a dishwasher right"

"Dishwasher?" Everyone laughed. Well, Dream was wheezing, George was giggling and Sapnap was chuckling. (Yes there is a difference) 😉

Tommy and Dream were streaming lore, while Sapnap and George were playing would you rather.

"Would you rather lick Dream, or the toilet"
Sapnap had a smirk on his face. George was gonna end up doing one of the two, but he couldn't decide. Sapnap just wanted him to lick Dream.

"That's disgusting Sapnap... I'd definitely lick.."
George put his face in his hoodie.

"Dream" he said it so quietly, but Sapnap still heard him.

"OooOoOo~ guess you gotta go lick him."
Sapnap was practically jumping up and down.

"I can't right now dummy, He's filming with Tommy. You know that." George was glad he was streaming. Maybe later Sapnap would forget about it by the time Dream was done.

"You're lucky. But I WILL NOT forget" Sapnap squinted his eyes at George.

"Okay well it's your turn now. Would you rather...Ugh I give up." George just wanted to go to that arcade Dream was talking about.

George heard a door open, and a second later, heard footsteps coming towards them.

Shit shit shit shit.

Sapnap looked at George, as if he was saying 'Nows your chance'.

George really didn't want to lick his best friend, but it was apart of the game.

Dream walked in the room. "Hey guys I'm done filmi-" George suddenly got up and stood in front of Dream. He stuck his tongue out.

"George what are you doing."

Dreams mouth opened and his eyes were almost popping out when he felt a soft, wet ~tongue~ glide against his face.

"Jeez George I didn't say you had to do it on the face..." Sapnap was smirking the whole time.

"I'll lick ur mom" George always had to talk back. Sapnap was about to go off but then Dream cleared his throat.

"What the hell was that George?!" He lifted his shirt to wipe the spit off of his face, which caught George off guard. George slapped his hands to his eyes.

"Sorry! We were playing would you rather! It was either lick you or lick the toilet..." Those words flew out of George's mouth extremely quick.

"You can look George. His abs are put away now." Sapnap waited for someone to laugh, but no one did.

"Come on guys that was funny!" Sapnap pouted.

"No it really wasn't" Dream and George said a the same time, word for word.

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