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Dream, George and Sapnap were all sitting on the couch spread apart from each other. So much was going on inside their heads.

Sapnaps thoughts: great. Now everyone is ignoring each other and it's because of me. I really thought Dream had feelings for George... maybe he does and lied about it?? I sure hope so..

Dreams thoughts: Well now this is kinda awkward. My best friend is upset with me, fuck me man. I shouldn't of listened to Sapnap anyways. I wish George would just give me a dare himself. And wait- George, my best friend, confessed. He seems so... lonely.

Georges thoughts: isn't this just great. I totally got rejected. Even though Dream never actually said he doesn't like me, I just know. At least he's not mad at me. Okay will someone just talk already?? It's so quiet in here.

George and Dream glanced at each other in the corner of their eyes. They looked away quickly.

"I'm gonna order food, want anything? We haven't eaten in a while" Sapnap asked.

"Eh I'm not hungry" George says.

"We haven't ate in 11 hours, and you didn't even finish your whopper" George looked at Dream up and down.

"I-I said I'm not hungry" George slowly slid down and off the couch. He lays on the floor and hugs himself.

Dream stares at George, with a confused look on his face. "If you say so Georgie"

"D-don't call me that.. please" George was blushing, but he hid his face in his hoodie.

"Why not? I always call you Georgie"

"Dream, are you stupid? Did you forget what happened like, idk an hour ago? Do you not notice how it makes him feel when you call him that? Cus I have." Sapnap furrowed his eyebrows. Was dream being serious??

Dream looked at George and back at Sapnap.
"I don't know what you mean, can you just order food" Dream was starving. (not literally)

"Tell me why you don't understand and I'll get you something" Sapnap says.

"Like... why am I not aloud to call him Georgie?" Dream looked at George, who was now sleeping. on the floor.

"Because Dream. He literally likes you, and he now knows you don't like him back. My point is, it's kinda like flirting in a way. Idk, but whenever you call him that he goes red. It's like playing with the his feelings, saying you dont like him, and then flirting with him right after. You know what I mean now?" Dream nodded.

"Okay so what do you want to eat?"
George woke up. It was dark outside, so he turned on his phone to see what the time was.
It read: 1:01 am.

George sighed. He knew he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. He wasn't tired. George sat up and started looking around the dark living room. He looked into the corner of the room and saw a small, weird, blob shaped figure. He rubbed his eyes and it was gone.

Huh, weird...

That wasn't the only thing she saw in the shadows, George started freaking out. Was he seeing things? He ran to Dreams room, he couldn't help it. He was scared.

"Dream, dream wake up" George was whispering, but crying at the same time.

"George?" Dream groans. "What's going on?" Dream looked at George and saw tears in his eyes. "George, why are you crying? Did you have another nightmare?"

George shook his head. "Can I lay with you Dream? Please.." Dream nodded and patted the space next to him. George got under the covers.

"So tell me what's wrong George"

"I th-think I'm seeing things. Like hallucinating or something"

"Oh" Dream looked at George, who was staring up at the ceiling. "You should go back to sleep, we have to stream tomorrow remember?"

"Well technically you mean today" George corrected.

"Hm? What time is it?"

"It's a few minutes after 1" George looked towards Dream, who was starting to doze off. "I'm sorry I woke you" George says.

"No no, it's- fine" Dream fell asleep. George didn't know how to feel. He wanted to cry, but he was happy laying next to Dream.

Aww he's snoring

AN: sorry for the short chapter. I hope you're having a good day! And I love you 💕

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