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AN: I have barely any motivation for this right now.. BUT I WONT LET YOU GUYS DOWN 😩



Dream explains to Sapnap about how George makes him feel. About how Dream is confused about everything.

"Well it seems to me you might be uhmm.. into men." Sapnap chuckled as he patted Dream on the back. "And that's totally okay Dream. Take your time to figure out-" George walked in the room, he had bags under his eyes, indicating that he was tired. He also had a small backpack in his hands.

"I'm going out.. u-um I will be back Uh- uhm later." George said as he glanced at Dream then started walking towards the kitchen.

"Where are you going George? It's gonna get dark out soon.." Sapnap said as he stood up and followed George. George opened the pantry and grabs some snacks. (Goldfish obviously 🙄) George zipped up his backpack and flung it on his back.

"I'm gonna be fine don't worry about me." George said with a smile. "I just need some time to myself." He continued.

"That's not what I asked George. Where are you going?" Sapnap squinted his eyes at George, as if he was saying "SuS".

"I don't have to tell you. Now get out of the way because you're blocking the doorway." George said.

"Tell me where you are going and maybe I will. I just don't want anything to happen to you that's all... you never know George. Someone or something might snatch you up and-" Sapnap was cut off by George pushing him out of the way.

George walked past Dream and gave him another glance.

"George." Dream says as he grasped onto Georges wrist. Him and George made eye contact for a few seconds. George can't help but blush.. but when he realized he quickly jerked his arm away.

"Dream." George says. "I'll call you when I get there."
"When you get where?" Dream asked as George put a hand on the door knob. That's when Sapnap walked in.

"DREAM DONT JUST LET HIM LEAVE DUMBASS." Sapnap yelled, and as he did so, George whispered something. But thanks to Sapnap, Dream couldn't hear what he said. George opened the front door and walked out.

Sapnap sped to the door but Dream stopped him. "What are you doing?! We can't just let him go! It might not be safe!" Sapnap exclaimed.

"I know I know... but just let him go. I trust that he'll be back... soon."

George's POV:

George looked at google maps once again, eating the last of his goldfish. "Ughh I've been walking for like 15 minutes now and I'm already exhausted." George said as he grabbed his backpack and unzipped it. "Oh no.. don't tell me I forgot a- shit. I forgot a water bottle."

George stopped walking. He sucked his teeth and looked at his surroundings. George just stood there and thought for a second before zipping his backpack back up. He continued to follow the GPS to his destination.

It has been about an hour now since George left. Streetlights were on, a cool breeze brushed up against Georges face. George. Regretted his actions. He came unprepared. His phone was about to die, no water, and he had already ate all of his goldfish awhile ago.

George glanced down at the GPS and looked back up. "I-I made it! I MADE IT." George ran through the familiar trees full of joy and excitement. After what felt like a million steps, he finally made it to where he was going.

George was no longer surrounded by the trees. In front of him was the same field, the same place Dream drove him to that one early morning.

George went on his phone to call Dream. But nope. His phone screen went black.

"nononono.. my phone.. nonono." George started to have a slight panic attack.

My phones dead- How am I gonna get back? I told Dream I would call him. And now they're probably gonna get worried about me... I COULD DIE OUT HERE. George thought.

I mean.. he wasn't wrong. If he tried to find his way back he would probably take a wrong turn and get even more lost. He had no water, no food, he knew where he was, but at the same time he didn't.

George didn't know what to do, he wasn't that hungry, but he was hungry. He was really thirsty and really tired.

I should've told them where I was going.
I'm doomed. George thought.

Dream and SappyNappy POV:

Sapnap was worried. And I mean realllyy worried..

"He's not picking up.. HES NOT PICKING UP!" Sapnap said as he paced back and forth, with his phone laid in his left hand.

"I think.. I think I know where he might be.." Dream spoke. "But I don't think he would wanna walk that far.."

"Where? You need to tell me so we can go get him!" Sapnap said.

"I- I think he went to nyb..." Dream replied. "But I'm not sure he would be willing to walk that far.."

"What the hell is nyb??" Sapnap raised his voice a little bit.

"Nun ya business..." Dream stood up.

"IT IS MY BUSINESS DREAM WHAT THE HELL." Sapnap was about to yell at dream even more but Dream held up his hand.


"That's what nyb stands for. Nun. Ya. Business. I called it that because it was literally NUN OF YOUR BUSINESS where we went. It's literally just a field in the middle of nowhere.. and I have a strong feeling he's there."

"Wait what??" Sapnap laughed his ass off. (Not literally) "That's so dumb... ANY LETS GO THERE. LIKE NOW."

"I don't know Sapnap.. what if he's on his way back already?" Dream said/asked.

"No what if's, take us to nyb." Sapnap grabs his shoes and starts to put them on. Dream did the same.

"Okay... let's do this"

AN: Deez nuts ;)

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