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TW: More Cussing

11:34 pm

"George you have to be patient. I promise we will go to the arcade tomorrow." Dream was getting annoyed. All George was talking about for the last thirty minutes was the arcade.

(He was on his arc-ade arc)

"I'm sorry! I'm just really excited!" George had only been to a arcade a few times when he was a teen, and he missed all of the fun games.

"Mhm, yeah I can tell." Dream chuckles. "I think I'm gonna head to bed now"

"Oh okay, i'll be there in a bit. Night!" George was about to lean in for a hug, but he noticed the odd expression on Dreams face. He retracted his arm a little bit and patted Dream on the shoulder instead.

Dream didn't even say goodnight back, he was already walking away. George sat on the couch as he was overthinking.

I'm so stupid, why did I do that. I made him uncomfortable.

"I'll just sleep on the couch tonight."

It was just a hug. Why didn't he want to hug me? We were literally cuddling this morning, maybe even all of last night. Who knows.

                            •Dreams Pov•
Dream was scrolling through Twitter for about 20 minutes. He was waiting for George to come to bed, but he never did.

Dream slowly creeks the door open before tip-toeing into the dark hallway. He saw the TV was on. He walked up to the couch and looked down. George had tears rolling down the sides of his eyes. He was curled up into a ball. This worried Dream.

"George" Dream whispered. He shook George awake.

George eyes shot open. His breathing was unsteady, but slowed down when he saw Dream slouch down over the side of the couch.

"You alright George? I was waiting for you to come to bed, and came in here to check on you. Nightmare?" Dream said in a small, calm voice.

George nodded. "I'm fine, sorry for making you wait, but I'll just sleep on the couch."

"Are sure George?"

"Yes Dream, I'm sure"

"Are you sure you're sure?"


"Haha see you in the morning"

"See you in the morning"

George slowly opened his eyes and rubbed them. He could hear boxes and paper being thrown around in the kitchen.


George could tell Dream was frustrated, but with what?

"You alright Dream?" George sat up.

"Oh, sorry if I woke you George. I'm just trying to make these stupid waffles but the directions are all screwed up."

"It's Okay Dream. I know cooking isn't your thing." George blinked his eyes, trying to adjust to the sun light, which was poring in through the curtains.

"What do you mean? I love cooking! I can cook... uh ramen noodles! In the microwave..." Dream was still mixing the ingredients into a bowl.

"Wow, impressive. I like ramen noodles" George finally got off the couch and walked to the kitchen. He was leaning against the door frame, but Dream hadn't noticed he was there.

"You like just about everything George."

"True" Dream was startled by George's presence.

"How long have you been standing there?? You scared the heck out of me!" Dream looked like he was about to cry.

"Awww Pissbaby is being a lil baby~ sowy for scarewing you Dweam" George was just playing around and felt somewhat confident, that was until Dream walked over to him. He stood only 5 inches away from George. The height difference was unbelievable.

George was frozen. He looked up into Dreams pee-colored eyes. Dream was staring down at him. He quickly blew on George's face, and turned around.

Wow, even his breath smells like lemons. Weird.  George thought. He still wasn't able to move a muscle. 

Dream went back to stirring. "Flustered are we?"

"What no! It's just hot in here!" George's soul finally came back to his body. He could move now. He started to walk backwards but bumped into something, someone.

"You liar" Said Sapnap. George turned around.

At the Arcade

"George, dude you suck, here let me show you how it's done." The three boys had been playing Pac-Man. George got bored fairly quick. There was one thing he did wanna try tho... The claw Machine.

Dream watched as George walked towards the Claw Machine, which was in the corner.

George had his eye on one thing in particular... it was a small, derpy looking cow. It stood out to him for some reason and he was desperate to get it.

It was about his 23 try when he felt a finger tap on his shoulder.

"Need help George?" Dream had noticed he was still at the claw machine and decided to go see what he was doing.

"Yes please, thank you. I'm trying to get that Cow thing" Dream leaned over George's left shoulder and placed his hand on top of George's, which was already on the joystick. He began to move the joystick around until it was right above the cow.

"Press the button George" And he did. They watched the claw slowly go down. It grabbed onto the cow and lifted it over into the slot.

"Dream you did it! Thank you so much!" George said, as he took his stuffed animal.

"No problem. Wanna go play air hockey with me? Sapnap is still playing Pac-Man."

"Oh yeah sure! How about the loser has to do a dare or something?" George hugged his Cow close to his chest. He didn't know why it made him so happy, but it did.

"Hmm I guess so! Be prepared because we already know I'm gonna win" Dream was confident that he was gonna win. Dream always wins.

Heyyy, it turns out George actually won! Dream was very disappointed, but it wasn't a big deal. It was only one dare... not bad at all right?

After the Arcade the boys stopped at Burger King for lunch. Any guess on what the got? Well they got WHOPPAS.

I mean... did you get a whopper?

AN: hellooo It's currently 2:39 in the morning and I'm over here writing my būtt off 🤷‍♀️

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