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Heyyy so I am aware this story sucks. I'm not the best at writing on here. But I'm gonna try and make it a lil better <3

Dream was driving home, and George had fallen asleep, leaning his head on the window.
Something was on Dreams mind... (but we'll get to that later)

The car pulled into the driveway. Dream looked over at George, who was still sleeping.

Should I wake him up? Maybe I can carry him inside.. eh that's too weird, I'll just wake him up.

Dream unbuckles his seatbelt and starts to poke George on the shoulder.

"George, Georgeeee, gog wake up" Dream said, now poking George in the face. George starts to wake up and groans.

"Mmm~ what" George says in his ~tired/morning voice. George lifted his head from the window and rubs his eyes.

"George we're back" Dream says.
George groaned again, unbuckling his seatbelt. He opened the car door and climbed out.

"George?" Dream gets out of the car and walks over to George, who had his eyes closed, but he seemed to be awake.

"Taco Bell s-sucks." George's legs started wobbling. Dream placed one of his hands around Georges waist and used the other to grab his legs and picked him up... bridle style.

"I can't tell if your still sleeping or what but let's get you inside.. you seem pretty tired" Dream said, carrying George to the front door.

The front door creaked open and Dream struggled getting George through the door. His legs kept hitting the side of the door frame. Dream gave up and dropped George on the ground.

There was a loud ThUmP. George's eyes shot open and there stood Dream, disappointed in himself. Dream shook his head.

"Sorry Greg" Dream says.


JKJK IM JUST KIDDING- anyways now what actually happened... LMAOOO

Dream pushed the front door open and slowly wobbled inside. He carried George over to the couch but he just stood there and looked down at George. Dream sighed and started walking to his room.

Dream laid George on his bed and covered him with a blanket.

"You can sleep here tonight gog" Dream whispered. Dream stood up and walked out of his bedroom, only to see a SassyNap waiting for him in the hallway.

Oh god here we go..

Sapnap clears his throat. "Did you two have fun? Why wasn't I invited huh?"

"Really Sapnap? You were sleeping dumb dumb." Dream chuckles and crossed his arms.

Sapnap gasps. "I am NOT dumb!"

"Shut the hell up Sapnap, George is sleeping." Dream said leading Sapnap to the living room.

"Where even were you guys? What did you do?" Sapnap asks as he sat down on the couch.

"We went to NYB." Dream says, "it was pretty fun."

"Hm? What's nyb?" Sapnap had no clue what Dream meant.

"I'm gonna go check on George." Dream said as he started walking back down the hallway. Since Dream never watches where he's going, he bumped into George, causing him to stumble back. Dream quickly put his hands on George's shoulders to prevent him from falling.

"What's nyb?" George whispered.

"The place we were just at." Dream whispered back.

"Ohhh okay.. I'm pretty sure Sapnap woke me up." George rolled his eyes. "And I'm positive I'm not gonna be able to fall back asleep so what are we gonna do now??"

Dream sighed. "Well me and you could play Uno if you want.. Sapnap sucks at it so I don't like playing with it with him." Dream says.

"Hey!! You're the one who CHEATS!!" Sapnap yelled from the other room.

"Wow caught in 4K Dream" George laughs. "But sure, I'll play with you."


"UNO!" Dream shouted.

"NO YOU CHEATED DREAM!!" George laughed uncontrollably, pressing his head on Dreams shoulder. Dream looked at the top of George's head and went silent. George was still laughing when he lifted his head up, but when he looked at the uneasy expression on Dreams face, he started tearing up.

"Dream I- I- I'm sorry. I- I'll go." George said. He stands up and starts walking towards the door. George twists the doorknob and looks back at Dream. He opened his mouth to speak but instead starts crying. George slid down the door and held both his hands to his face.

Dream walked over to him and sat next to him. Dreams eyes started to get watery just looking at George cry.

"George, look.. you can talk to m-" Dream was cut off by George.

"Just leave me alone... Dream please. I can't do ONE GOD DAMN THING without making you uncomfortable. So  leave me alone and I won't have the chance to.." George says in a shaky, choked voice.

"I wasn't uncomfortable George.. I was just- I don't know but still.. I wasn't uncomfortable." Dream sighed and placed a hand on George's back and patted it. George removed his hands from his eyes, which were puffy and red from the crying.

"I don't think I can stay here.." George whispered.

"What do you mean? Why can't you?.." Dream stopped patting his back and moved his hand to George's cheek.

George quickly grabbed Dreams wrist and brought it down from his face. A tear fell from his eyeball. (EYEBALL?! Whatever)

"Stop Dream. You don't understand- You don't just- just DO things like that, I can't stay here.. because I'll just fall in love with you more and- and if you don't feel the sa-" George was interrupted by his own thoughts.

"I'll just fall in love with you more" Are serious George?!?! Why the fuck did i say that??
George thought.

"I understand.. and I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone for now." Dream says and George nodds and scoots out of the way so Dream can open the door.
"Fuck fuck fuck." Dream whispered to himself as he quickly walked down the hallway.

"Sapnap. I need to talk to you." Dream says.

"Okay what's up?" Sapnap looked up from his phone and sees Dream pacing back and forth.
"Dream? Everything alright?"

"I think I like George... but I don't.. I don't know." Dream started biting his nails.

"Hey look at me Dream. Stop eating yourself and look at me!" Sapnap demanded. Dream stopped biting his nails and looked at Sapnap.

"Tell me what happened." Sapnap said.


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