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"George is just really annoying" Sapnap says.

Dream nodded in agreement. "I know, but he's leaving soon so we won't have to deal with him anymore."

George stood at the door way, looking at Dream and Sapnap who were sitting on the couch facing the opposite direction.

"True true, also, don't you think it's kinda weird that he likes you?" Sapnap asked.

"Definitely, like he knows I don't like him back. Who would like him anyway am I right?" Dream and Sapnap both start wheezing.

George just stood there. In total disbelief.
George's eyes shot open, which were watery.

Was that a Dream? No way, it felt so real.

George was sitting on the couch, in the dark. It was currently 3 O'clock in the morning. George wasn't even tired, he just sat there. He was used to waking up this early, because of all of the nightmares, or the smallest noises ever.

He tried his best not to look around the room, but he did. And when he did, he saw the same small, black blob in the corner of the room.

George stuck his head into the pillows next to him. He knew none of it was real, but he was still freaking out.


George lifted his head and looked behind him.
He couldn't really see, since it was dark.

"Dream? What are you doing, it's 3 in the morning" George asked.

"What are you doing?" Dream moved his hand around in the wall, trying to find the light switch.

"I literally asked you first. You answer first and then I'll answer" George says.

"I couldn't sleep, you?" Dream finally found the light switch and turned the light on. George squinted at the sudden change in lighting.

"Well, I had a Dream... I wouldn't really call it a nightmare." George says.

"May I ask what it was about?" Dream asked, walking over to the couch. He sat down next to George.

"Eh- it's nothing" George said.

"Mk, well since we can't sleep you wanna do something?" Dream looked into George's eyes, and George looked into Dreams.

"Yeah, like what? There's like nothing to do" George was right. There was nothing to do.

"Wanna go on a little road trip? There is this really cool place we could go to.. it's only like 45 minutes away." Dream says.

"I guess.. I have nothing better to do" George shrugged.

"Okay well go grab a hoodie and get your shoes on. I will meet you in the car" Dream got up and quickly but quietly and went to his room. George did the same, and met Dream in the car.

"Alright, you ready?" Dream looked at George.


The car ride was silent but calming. The windows were rolled down, Dream had one hand hanging out of the window, and George was watching as things passed by, humming a song.

"We should be there in a minute George" Dream says.

"What? Already?" George asked, confused since it they had only been driving for 15 minutes.

"Yeah, it didn't take as long as I thought.." Dream slowly pushed down on the breaks, pulling the car to the side of the road.

"Dream wh-"

"Shhh follow me" Dream interrupted.

They both unbuckled their seatbelts and stepped out of the car. Dream started walking into the forest, and George followed closely behind him. After 5 minutes of walking, they weren't in the forest anymore. In front of them was a somewhat big field.

"So is this it?" George asked.

"This is it George. Here, sit down" Dream said, patting the grass next to him as he sat down.

George hesitated a little bit before sitting down.

I mean kinda weird sitting next to your crush, that "doesn't" like you back.

"So why are we here again?" George asked, looking out into the field.

"I don't know, I just thought that maybe it would be cool to watch the sunrise.. don't ya think?" Dream was now looking at George. Although George wasn't paying attention, he could feel Dream staring at the side of his face.

Soon enough, George turned his head to face Dream, but Dream was closer to him than he thought.  Their faces were only inches away, and they stared into each other's eyes for a while.

"Okay that's enough" George scoffed and looked away. Dream also looked away and into the distance. They say there, waiting for the sun to come up.

Like 50 minutes go by and the sun finally peaked over the land.

George's eyes widened at the sight. "Omg this is amazing!! I'm so glad we went here Dream!!"

Dream smiled. "I guess it was worth the wait then." Dream grabbed his phone out of his pocket to take a picture of the sunrise, but was greeted with tons of notifications from Sapnap. (20 to be exact)

"What the hell. Sapnap is spamming me." Dream shook his head.


Today 3:58am

Dream where are you guys?


I know your awake where are you guys

Answer me dumbass



Suck it green boooyyyy



What are you guys doing

George is with you right?

Eh, not like I care anyway 🙄





I give up

What are you guys doing at 4 in the morning


Good talk
Read 4:07am

Jesus Christ I'm gonna call you spamnap now
Read 4:08am

Dream exited out of IMessage and went to his camera to take a picture.

AN: I don't know why this took so long to write. I have to make the next chapter suuuuuper long, but it's gonna be worth it. Sorry for the wait you impatient little Sh- kids ;)

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