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George plopped down on the couch. He looked at the blank tv and sighed.

"You wanna watch something?" Dream asked as he plopped down next to him.

George looked at Dream. "Neh I'm good.. I mean you can if you want to." George said.

"No.. I just wanted to hang out with you." Dream replied.

George looked down at his hands, which were laid in his lap and started to fidget with them. "Really?" He asked. Dream sighed and scooted closer to George.

"Mhm." Dream hummed. "But you have to understand what you did earlier wasn't the smartest.. I really care about you George." He continued.

"Yeah.. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm- i'm sorry." George said. Dream wrapped his arm around George's shoulders and pulled him closer. George slowly rested his head on Dream's chest. "Actually.." George started. "Can we maybe watch a movie?" He asked.

"Sure George." Dream said as he reached for the TV remote. "Hulu.. Netflix.. Disney plus? Choose one George." Dream whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" George whispered back.

Dream turned on the TV and went to Disney Plus.

"Hey wait.. I wanna watch Netflix not Disney Plus." George scoffed.

"Well you didn't tell me that when I asked. Sorry." Dream said as he searched through Disney Plus.

"Ugh at least let me to pick the movie." George snapped as he yanked the remote out of Dream's hand.

Sapnap walked in.

Dream glanced at Sapnap. "Wanna join us Sap?" He asked.

Sapnap smiled at the sight of George basically snuggled up against Dream. "Sure." Sapnap said as he smiled and walked over to the couch.


As the movie credits played, Sapnap was the only one still awake. Dream and George both fell asleep midway through the movie. Sapnap yawned and stood up. He turned off the TV and slowly made his way to his room.

When morning came, Dream woke up early. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, but then noticed that George was no longer on the couch. As a matter of fact, George had fallen off of the couch and was now sleeping in the floor.

"Oh my god George.." Dream chuckled. "What's up with you and falling off of things?" Dream took his foot and nudged George until he woke up.

George groaned as he opened his eyes. He then glared at Dream and pushed his foot away.

Dream smiled widely and said, "hi."

George snickered. "Hello.." George sat up. "Dream, you literally pushed me off of the couch."

"Um no I didn't." Dream said sassily. "You probably just fell off." He continued.

"Whatever Dream." George stood up and started walking towards the bathroom.

"Where you going?" Dream asked.

"To the bathroom? Idiot." George replied as he stepped into the bathroom and shut the door.

Dream rolled his eyes and stood up from the couch. He went to his room and put some fresh clothes on. (Obviously a hoodie and jeans 🙄)

By the time George was done using the bathroom, Dream was done getting dressed. Then Dream and George switched. George went to go change into other clothes and Dream went to use the restroom.

Sapnap was still sleeping. George and Dream met in the hallway and went to the kitchen. They decided on cereal.. so they sat at the island and ate their breakfast.

"Wanna go somewhere with me?" Dream asked with his mouth full.

George laughed. "You shouldn't talk with your mouth full..." He mumbled.

"I said.. do. You. Want. To. Go. Some. Where. With me." Dream frowned  and put another spoon fool of cereal in his mouth.

"Fine. Where are we going?" George asked.

"Hmmm take a guess." Dream demanded.

"No. Just tell me." George said.

"Fine fine.. I wanna go to that place.. you know. N...Y...B.." Dream smiled.

George couldn't help but smile back. "Okay.. well let's finish our breakfast first.."

"Yeah no shit lol." Dream chuckled. George glared at Dream and slowly spooned the left over milk from his bowl into his mouth.


"Dream turn on the radio." George demanded.

Dream shook his head. "Please?" Dream snickered and turned on the radio.

Heatwaves by Glass Animals now playing.

Dream grinned and took his eyes off the road to look at George. George on the other hand was not phased at all. George giggled and looked out the window. "Eyes on the road...unless you want to die."

"Usually I put, something on TV..." Dream sang.

"So they'd never think about you and me.."

"But today I see our reflections clearly in Hollywood.. Layin' on the screen"

"Okay just shut- up." George laughed and hid his face.

"Are you blushing George...? Never mind. You are I can see it." Dream said.

"Just drive." George sighed. Dream smirked and hummed Along to the song.

Sometimes all I think about is you

Late nights in the middle of June

The car pulled over to the side of the road.

Finally. George thought as he unbuckled his seatbelt. They got out of the car and started walking through the trees... once again.

Dream and George sat down on the grass.

"I've never been here during the daytime before. I only come here early in the morning." Dream said.

"I know that Dream." George replied. "You told me." George giggled and looked at Dream.

"Oh yeah.. I forgot." Dream said. He looked at George and grabbed his hand.

"Dream what are you doing?..." George asked nervously.

"I- I lo-" You know what Dream was about to say.. but he got a call from Sapnap. Dream took his phone out of his pocket and declined it.

"George I love you." Dream blurted. George's eyes got watery and he looked around. They stared into each other's eyes and gradually leaned closer and closer.

As they met face to face, Dreams phone began to ring again.. but neither of them pulled out of the kiss.

Well George did.. but only to say this; "I love you too..."


Seriously, thank you for reading my story... I'm so grateful for all of the support on this :)

<3 love you

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