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Swellview, a long way from Metroburg. A new home, A new chapter, a new start. Mom and I were having a hard time back in Metroburg after Firedagger, my dad's arch nemesis defeated him. My dad's hero name was Saber, he was able to shape-shifts into anything but Firedagger played with fire as usual and was able to take dad down.

Anyways, mom and I decided that it was time to move from Metroburg to Swellview. We got to our new home, seeing the movers walking in and out setting our boxes inside. I got out of the car, walking around to the trunk.

" I'm gonna head inside, get a start on unpacking " Mom calls out.

" Alright. " I set the luggage on the concrete.

" Need help? " I turned around to see a tall blonde boy.

" Um, that would be very much appreciated " I smiled. The boy grabbed a luggage as we walked into the house.

" Thanks " Setting the luggage down near the stairs as I tucked my hair behind my ears.

" It's no problem. I'm Henry Hart. Your neighbor. " He put out his hand.

" Y/N L/N " Accepting the handshake.

" So is it just you moving in or... " he jokingly said as I chuckled.

" Actually it's my mom and I who are moving in. "

" Oh, what about your dad? "

" Actually that's why we're moving... he passed away and we just kinda needed a new scenery. "

" Well, I hope Swellview is what you need " He smiled when suddenly his watched started to make a sound.

" And that's my cue to leave. " he awkwardly chuckle.

" I'll see you around "

" See you around " I smiled as he runs out of my home.

" Who was that? " Mom walked down the stairs.

" Neighbor " I said

" I have to go call Phoebe and tell her about it now so I will help unpack later, love you " I kissed her cheek before heading upstairs to my room.

" Aren't you forgetting your luggage? " Mom shouted as I just ignored her.

Starting Over [ Henry Hart x Y/N ]Where stories live. Discover now