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Phoebe and I got back home, while I did a touch up on my make-up, she fixed my hair, I set on the outfit and smiled.

" I have never seen you look so bright! " Phoebe came from behind as she held me.

" My best friend! Going on a date. " we squared. Hearing a knock from down stairs, we looked at each other, nervous.

" Y/N! Henry's here. " Mom shouted. I took a deep breath before heading down, Phoebe following behind me. I looked down seeing Henry there with flowers.

" You got me flowers? " I smiled.

" It was either this or a teddy bear. " he chuckled.

" Shall we? "

" We shall. " I nodded.

Arriving to the restaurant, we quickly got in, sitting in silence. It was awkward of course being that we felt like we had nothing to talk about.

" So... " Henry said.

" So... " I looked around the room.

" I'm sorry but is it me or does this feel awkward. "

" It really does. "

" Should we get out of here and get a burger or something? "

" Yes! Please! " We quickly got up, running out to the nearest burger joint.

Order, Henry waited for the tray while I grabbed our seat. A few minutes later Henry set the tray on the table as we took the biggest bite out of the burger.

" Now this is heaven " I said with a mouthful making Henry chuckle.

" So would you say this is your dream date? " He asked.

" No, my dream date contains a picnic with different types of food, fair lights hanging from the tree while the sunset. " I replied taking a bite of the fries.

" wow, what do you mean by different types of food? "

" Mexican, Asian, European, American " I listed off.

" Sounds filling "

" It will be. " I smiled.

" What do you by that? " He questioned.

" I mean, in the future it would be cute to do that for our anniversary "

" OUR? "

" I mean after this date, wouldn't we be official? "

" Well I usually thought after 3 dates or so we would be official but if you believe that we're ready to be in a relationship then I'm all for it. " He held my hand as I chuckled.

" I am definitely ready to be in a relationship with you Henry Hart. I mean you're holding my greasy hands so it means something right. " I smiled

" Well I'm glad to finally say that Y/N L/N is finally my girlfriend. "

" And Henry Hart is my boyfriend. " I chuckled before taking a bite out of the burger.

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