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( Y/N POV )

" Everyone left, can you tell me now!? " I sat down as Mom next to me, our body turned towards each other.

" I want to start with saying, I was young. When Fir- Eddie and I met we were or thought we were in love. You know growing up in a strict household, especially when your father is a well known superhero, it can sucks. So one day, I was sitting on Metroburg highest rooftop and there he was. We talked for hours and he was just perfect. He understood me in ways I wish other people would, especially my parents. I ran away with him one night and well that night I found out I was pregnant with you. When I told him, he promised we would give up the life of Villains and Heroes, but when I found out he was still doing his thing, I didn't wanna risk putting you in danger. You are my everything Y/N and as a mother I needed to protect you. I ran back to your grandparents, and they welcomed me back with open arms, but arranged me to marry your father or at least who you've known as your father. I loved that man because of how he treated us. Treated you. He didn't care if you were some villain kid, because your father has always treated you as if you were his... look I'm sorry for not telling you this sooner Y/N, but like I said, I never wanted you to know. " Mom held my hands as I just took a deep breath.

" So FireDagger is my father and my mother is a liar, love my family tree " I said before heading to my room. I pasted back and forth biting the tip of my thumb, how was I supposed to handle this, how do I handle this, I mean to find out I'm a villains daughter.

I sat in my desk chair as I opened the laptop ready to call Phoebe when I heard a knock on the window. I turned, opening it as Henry jumped into my room.

" Hi. " He smiled.

" Hey? "

" I saw you walking back and forth, wanted to see how you were doing " He sat on the edge of the bed as I joined him,

" How would you be doing if you found out the person who killed your father is your actual father? " I questioned.

" Hurt, Betrayed, Confused " He started to list off as I lightly shoved him.

" As much as you are correct, I need something else to help me forget this day ever happened. " I flopped down.

" Speaking about something else, is something going on between you and Max? " He suddenly ask.

" Max Thunderman? I mean obviously you're talking about him. " I chuckled.

" Max and I are just friends. " I added.

" Really? Cause he seemed like a little bit more than a friend. "

" I mean Max and I, back in Metroburg we did use to flirt a lot but nothing ever happened. "

" So you and him are not in a relationship? "

" No... why? " I got up as I stared into his brown eyes.

Starting Over [ Henry Hart x Y/N ]Where stories live. Discover now