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( Henry POV )

Finally getting into the warehouse, we hid behind the stacks of crates as we listened in on the conversation.

" Y/N is my daughter " FireDagger said as we looked at Danielle who had a terrified look on her face.

" WHAT!? " Both Max and Phoebe said in unison.

" How!? What!? " Phoebe stuttered.

" Is this true? " I whisper to Danielle as she nodded.

" Y/N was never supposed to find out. And I'm hoping that she isn't here "

( Y/N POV )

The news fell over my head. There is no way that this is true. Anger filled my body, I balled up my fist, giving him the punch of his life.

" What the - " falling onto the ground, I uncloaked myself.

" You really are a villain, lying about being my father! " I lifted him up, slamming him into the wall.

" You killed my father! " Lifting him up again as I slammed into the crates, revealing Captain Man, Kid Danger and my mom.

" When did you guys get here!? " I questioned.

" You think I'm lying, but look at your mom. Read her mind. She'll tell you the truth. Lord knows she's a terrible liar. " He chuckled.

" Shut Up Dagger " Mom's entire body turned to flames as she blast two hits at him.

" You can't keep this a secret forever Wildfire. Tell our daughter the truth! "

" SHE'S MY DAUGHTER! " Mom kept blasting him with flames.

" She's OUR daughter! You just decided that you wanted to leave in the middle of the night and be with that pathetic superhero Saber! We could've been the best villain family! But my wonderful Firefly wanted to play hero. " FireDagger hiding from mom's blast.

" shut up! Shut Up! SHUT UP! " Mom blasted his control center, blowing it up as I quickly unlock Phoebe and Max.

I ran over to mom grabbing her wrist.

" Let's go! " We all ran out before the other half of the warehouse were in flames.

( Henry POV )

We were finally back in SwellView, heading into Y/N's place, Max had his arm wrapped around her. A little bit of jealousy filled my stomach.

" Are you okay? " Max asked as she nodded.

" I should be asking you. Are you okay? " She looked at him with concern, his smiled widen.

" Much better now that you saved me. " Her smile towards him pained me.

Silence grew in the room, when suddenly Y/N stood up and walked towards her mom.

" Was he telling the truth? " She asked. Her mom eyes wonder as she took a deep breath.

" Yes. " Y/N eyes widen.

" WHAT! " She shouted.

" I never wanted you to find out like that, I was going to tell you eventually but not know. "

" Tell me everything. "

" Now!? "

" NOW! " Y/N shouted. As her mom looked behind her, Y/N turned around seeing us in the room.

" You know what, I think it's time for us to leave " Phoebe says as we all agreed walking out. We turned to say goodbye, but as soon as I did, Max had kissed Y/N cheeks.

" I'll call you later " he said as she nodded.

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