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( Y/N POV )

" What's the plan? " Electriss questioned.

" It's FireDagger. Do we really need a plan? " Billy asked as I smacked the back of his head.

" I'm hoping that smack helps start your brain. " I said.

" It seems like FireDagger decided to pit some cameras up. " Max pointed as we looked up.

" That's right! Even if you did have a plan, it wouldn't work. I doubled my security. " FireDagger spoke over a speaker as large robots minions came out of nowhere and grabbed us.

I pulled my arms as I slammed the robot against the wall, ripping its arm, I swung it towards robots, freeing the others.

" Electriss " She uses her electricity making the robots malfunction.

" I'm done playing games ! " I kicked in the doors.

" Give me my mom back! " I shouted.

" Well aren't you brave " FireDagger smirked.

" Shut up Dagger. " I rolled my eyes.


" Someone's touchy about his name " Ray whispered.

" Like I said, I'm done playing games! Now give me back my mom " I sternly said.

" Come and get her. " my eyebrows frowned as we all rushed towards him.

[ Just kinda think of the Marvel Endgame Battle - Avengers vs Thanos type shit sorry I'm just really lazy to write a whole fight scene so we're gonna skip to the end ]

I walked near the crates that I had thrown him, bending down seeing his bloody face as I scoff.

" You're done FireDagger. Give up. "

" No. " He weakly groan.

" Here. Let me help you. " I lend a hand as he subconsciously took it.

" To Prison! " Throwing him through the ceiling as Thunderman caught him in the air taking care of the rest.

I ran towards the my mom who was locked against the wall.

" Keys. We need keys. " everyone searching everywhere.

" In his coat " she said as I ran, grabbing something from his pocket as I took out a ring box.

" Mom? " I turned.

" Nevermind that, the key!! "

" right! " going into the next pocket, I ran unlocking my mom from the wall. We hugged before she grabbed the ring box.

" Now about this ring box. " she opened it.

" as it showed a rock that would kill my mom. "

" oh. oh no. " I grabbed and threw it.

" Let's go home. " She smiled hugging me tight as the rest joined us.

Starting Over [ Henry Hart x Y/N ]Where stories live. Discover now