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I slipped into the secret elevator right behind Henry, as it zips down. I held my breath trying not to scream when it suddenly stopped. The door opened up, walking out to see such a scene.

" Were you able to get rid of the girl!? " A man with mid long hair says.

" First of all her name is Y/N, secondly she did leave and finally she's a bit different. I felt like she was reading my mind. She randomly brought up the mancave. "

" What did you say her name was? " A girl with a curly fro asked

" Y/N L/N " as she started to tap on her little computer, I walked over seeing that they were able to search me up.

" It says here that Vance L/N also known as the superhero Saber was her father " She read.

" Wait, Saber, as in the hero who was defeated by Firedagger!? " I couldn't take it anymore.

" Yeah. My father is Saber. " I uncloaked myself.

" Y/N!!! " Henry shouted. I sat down as I set my feet on the table.

" As much as I love the fact you guys are googling me, I rather tell you about me, myself. "

" How did you get in!? "

" Let's start with, Hi I'm Y/N L/N. Also known as Rogue. My father as read was the superhero Saber and my mother, Wildfire. And as you read on, I have telekinesis, teleportation, super speed, mind reading and well invisibility. Now on to my question. What is this place? Are you guys criminal and do I have to fight you? " I got up checking around.

" Really!? You think you're just gonna easily have us tell you who we are!? You're funny girl! " The mid long hair man says as I smirked.

" Captain Man... my dad always hated you. He said you were a narcissist tool who just got lucky with powers "

" Says the dead man " He mumbled

" First off, don't speak of my father that way, secondly I do believe that if your captain man, then Henry that makes you Kid Danger. "

" Yeah. "

" So you guys are superheroes, thank god I didn't have to kick butt and I'm not talking about President Kickbutt. "

" So now that you know our secret, what? You're gonna tell people now? "

" Ray!? Come on dude. " Henry looked at him and shook his head.

" Well Ray, if you know anything then you should know that Superhero Oath has a rule that every hero needs to keep their identity a secret. As a fellow hero, I am to do just that, I mean my best friend is Thunderman's Daughter. "

" Oh you know Phoebe " Henry smiled.

" Look, all I ask is to join the team. "

" Why? " Ray questioned.

" Dad says that a team is better than a single hero. Like Marvel making the Avengers and Dc making the Justice League. We can be our own team. I mean you already have a sidekick, what's one more? " I smiled.

" I don't know kid, I haven't even seen you in action. " He says as it grew silent when a loud alert appeared.

" Guess it's time to see me in action " I smiled as I pressed a button on my bracelet, changing me into my superhero suit.

" Shall we!? " I smirked

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" Shall we!? " I smirked.

" Fine Kid, this is a trial run. Let's hope you don't mess this up " Ray says before blowing a bubble.

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