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( Y/N POV )

The alarm blasted in my ear, slamming my hand to turn it off, I grabbed my pillow from underneath my head and stuffed it in my face groaning.

" Sweetheart, you need to get up, don't wanna be late on your first day to school " Mom said from outside my door.

Getting up, I headed out to the bathroom taking a nice hot shower. Getting out, I hurried and got ready in a nice brown and beige outfit.

 Getting out, I hurried and got ready in a nice brown and beige outfit

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Heading out, Henry was just sitting on our porch swing.

" Didn't wanna go inside? " I asked.

" I tried but your mom slammed the door in my face " He says as I just chuckle.

" That's Wildfire for you. "

" So what exactly is your mom's powers? "

" She's controls hurricane, tornadoes and fire. She's basically the element Earth. "

" And does she save the world? "

" Actually, she stopped once she married my dad. She said that since dad is able to protect the world, she can protect me "

" How sweet. Would she ever want to go back into saving the world? "

" I hope. It would be nice to see mom in action " I smiled before heading into the school. Henry started to show me to my locker and classroom.

" Since we have first period together, I'll walk you. " Henry smiled as we headed over to Ms.Shapen class.

" Ah, a new student. Ms. L/N.  " Ms.Shapen read from a paper.

" Yes maam " i called out

" Can you tell me what year the renaissance era started and ended? " She asked

" it took place around the 14th - 17th century maam " i answered

" Can you name me 3 people from the era and their professions? " she asked

" Well Maam, theres the big 3, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo Raphael and to name one more Donatello. Leonardo was an Italian Polymath who actives as a painter, draughtsman, engineer, scientist, theorist, sculptor and architect. Michelangelo was an Italian sculptor, painter, architect and poet. Raphael was an Italian painter and architect. And Donatello was an just an Italian sculptor like Michelangelo and Leonardo." I answered

" Well dont we have a smarty pants " Miss Shapen bitterly said as the bell rang. I turned around to give Charlotte a pound and saw Henry smiling.

Walking out of class Henry is just dying out of laughter.

" Henry there was nothing funny about the situation " I said once more.

" its not that it was funny or not, its the face Miss Shapen made. " He mocked her expression.

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