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( Y/N POV )

I didn't have to read Henry's mind to know that he was feeling some type of way. It was understandable, my first love finally saying what needed to be said since forever. I looked back and forth to Henry and Max.

Y/N: You know what, the reason we aren't dating is you Max.

Max: Me?

Y/N: I specifically remember that there was a time when I asked you on a date, granted it was in front of your friends but you turned me down. I believe your reply was " Sorry I just don't see you like that. " I took that as a sign and since then we just went back and forth. And to be very honest, I'm tired of this game we're playing Max. You rejected me, then you flirt with me and then now you're asking a question that you already should've known the answer too.

Max: Would you ever give me another chance?

Y/N: No. Last time I talked to Phoebe, she told me that you were trying to ask out a girl desperately, I don't wanna be someone's second choice.

Max: But you aren't! You never were.

Y/N: Max, you had your chance. But I'm not doing this anymore. I think we rather stay friends. Besides, Henry and I have a date to plan. So if you don't mind, tell Phoebe I love her and I will see you in the background of our calls.

I slammed the laptop as I let a relief sigh.

" Wow. " Henry commented.

" Is that okay? " I asked.

" Which part? "

" The date part? "

" It's more than okay. " He smiled as he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me in closer.

" I'll see this Saturday? " Our face inches away. I nodded as he kiss my forehead.

" I'll see you later Rogue. " he smirked, heading back to his place, I leaned out watching him climb into his room.

" Goodnight " I smiled.

" Goodnight " I closed the window and turned off the light.

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