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( Henry POV )

Looking in Y/N's [ eye color ] eyes, my heart beating so fast it felt like I ran a mile.

" No... why? " she asked as I felt apart of me wanting to tell her but another part of me wanting to keep it quiet.

" Henry? " She called out as I just smiled.

" It's just, there's this friend, and he's been asking about you. And he wants to ask you out. " I lied.

" A friend huh? " She smirked.

" Yeah. " I fidget with my hands.

" Henry, if this is your way of saying you like me, just say it. " I looked up as she smiled.

" Remember. Mind reader. " She tapped my forehead.

" Oh right. " I awkwardly chuckle.

" Okay. Okay, yeah I like you. " I stood up facing my back towards her.

" And? " She asked.

" And I don't want to ask you out if you and Max are a thing or going to be a thing. I'm not that kind of guy. " I said turning towards her.

" Well as I said, Max and I are just friends " She smiled as I was about to say something, her computer started to ring.

" One second " She accepted the call, seeing Max on the other side of the screen.

Y/N: Max! Hi.

Max: Hey, just wanted to check up on you.

Y/N: That's sweet, I'm doing fine.

Max: Are you sure?

Y/N: Of course. Henry actually came over to cheer me up.

Max: Oh. Henry.

Y/N turned the computer as I waved at him, she turned the computer back.

Y/N: Is that all you wanted to talk about?

Max: Actually, Phoebe and I been talking and she made me realize a lot.

Y/N: Yeah?

Max: We have a past Y/N. And I wanted to clear it up.

Y/N: Okay?

Max: We flirted. We like each other. Why aren't we dating? Why aren't we together? I mean we're clearly meant to be right.

Y/N: Oh um...

She looked straight at me as my face expression grew sad.

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