How True Men Greet One Another

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How True Men Greet One Another

"Before I show this, I need to read this warning," Zack said.

"What kind of world needs a warning before being watched?" Sienna asked.

"We didn't get one for the Mortal Kombat one," Ruby mentioned.

The ones who were there for that shivered. So much brutality. So much blood.

"Well, that would have made you vomit out your lunch," Zack said. "This one will do different things to you."

"Let's hear it," Salem said.

"Warning, the following may cause viewers to develop severe testosterone poisoning. Noticeable effects include but are not limited to, spontaneous muscle and beard growth, tears of manliness, swooning from the ladies, feelings of inadequacy from the men and a desire to show off even if you have nothing to show off."

"That's it?" Mercury scoffed.

"That's... new," Ozpin said.

"It can't be that bad," Saphron said.

"Well, don't say I didn't read you the disclaimer," Zack said.

Port and Oobleck were in a butcher's shop. Both were dressed in military uniforms. While Oobleck looked like his normal self, Port was a hulking mass of muscle that towered over Oobleck by a head.

"By Oum!" Glynda exclaimed. "Peter, is that you?"

"Did you lose weight?" Oobleck ask, unperturbedly sipping from his coffee.

Port had a tear in his eye. Oh MUSCLES, you left too soon.

Suddenly, the men looked down at themselves, even the giants like Ironwood and Hazel.

"I'm starting to see why the disclaimer was necessary," Hazel said. He needed to find the largest Grimm Salem had and bench it. 100 times. Daily. For the rest of his natural life and maybe unnatural life if Salem could manage it.

Ironwood looked at his flesh arm, then his metal one. The metal one he could just get a bulkier model. The flesh one? He did have a lot of vacation days. Besides, delegation was a thing. More time to hit the weights.

Clover and Winter frowned. It was as if a lot of less important duties were about to be fostered off to them. The feeling left and Clover went back to feeling inadequate and Winter reminding herself that there was only one man for her. Not that she was interested in him either or anything.

"We are here on military duty," Oobleck said. "There is no need to hide anything."

Tai, the butcher, wasn't moved. "Ground beef and pig: 98 lien."

"Hey look, it's dad!" Ruby said.

"Uh huh," Yang said, still a bit distracted by her professor's GLORIOUS MUSCLES! Weiss was resisting better, but that was a close thing.

"Snap out of it!" Blake yelled at her. "Imagine our Professor Port in his place."

"Blech!" That snapped them out if it.

"Oh my," Summer fanned herself, feeling hot under her collar.

Raven purred. Literally purred.

Vernal could suddenly see what her boss once saw in him.

Tai chuckled. "A butcher? Didn't see that coming."

"Well, there are only two kinds of male butchers," Qrow said. "The ones like that!" He pointed at the screen. "And the ones who really let themselves go."

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