MIB International - Hoverbike Chase

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"Right, this continues from the last one." Zack says. "J and R have been forced to go rogue since they know that there is a mole in MIB. Now they have to evade both the twins and MIB agents hunting them down."

Ironwood and Winter frown. Going AWOL was a serious offence in any military. At least they had a good reason, though why couldn't they go through proper channels?

"Couldn't they report it to their superiors?" Glynda asks for the two.

"Can't. They don't know who to trust. Not to mention what Vungus gave R..." Zack shudders at the thought of THAT in the wrong hands. It was basically a handheld Death Star.

"What's so special of that little crystal he gave me?" Ruby asks.

"I'll show you later." Zack says.

Agent J is being pursued by several MIB agents in a Vacuoan market. He and R were forced to go rogue due to the information they had that MIB was compromised.

"That's where you live?" Weiss asks Sun, comparing it to Atlas. It was very different. Vacuo's marketplace was filled with stalls and people dressed in very casual clothing, suited to the dry climate. Atlas didn't really have markets like that, being mostly middle to upper class people, the lower classes lived in Mantle.

"Yup," Sun answers. "It ain't much, but its home."

Agent R is in a different part of the market. Looking up, she notices a street lamp suddenly shorting out despite not being in use or damaged. She moves with a bit more haste, not noticing the twins following her from the roofs.

"Situational awareness Ruby," Qrow lectures while popping open a bottle of beer. "Didn't I teach you about that before I taught you how to swing a scythe?"

"I noticed something was off didn't I?" Ruby says, not wanting to go through another of Qrow's lectures. Drunkard he may be, he was a very good teacher and a harsh taskmaster.

"Not good enough!" Qrow says, chugging down half the bottle. "We'll be going through awareness training later. In fact, I think all of you kids could use some extra training."

Ruby and Yang felt a sense of dread they hadn't felt in a while. Qrow's idea of situational awareness training involved traps, sneak attacks and absolutely no mercy. Yang took a paintball to the hair once. It took a week to wash out.

Their teammates and friends, noticing their dread, wondered if they should get started on their wills.

"Would you like my input on that?" Glynda asks Qrow, thinking more training was always useful.

"Sure." Qrow said, finishing his beer. "Port, Oobleck. You want in?"

"Of course. Situational awareness is blah blah blah..." Dr. Oobleck agreed, beginning to spout out the importance of it at a rapid fire rate.

"Sure. Why I remember that one time when I was younger in the jungles of..." Prof. Port agreed as well, beginning one of his stories that no one was quite sure if they were fact or fiction.

"Oh boy..." Coco sighed, realizing that they were going through hell later.

"Sun!" J yells out, now in a garage. "I need to borrow your bike!"

"As long as it is to borrow and not steal huh." Sun says, knowing of J's reputation.

"Yes! Of course! Come on!" J is in a rush. The agents would find him again soon.

Sun yells out something to one of his workers. The disguise lifts up, revealing a futuristic hoverbike.

"Whoo." J is impressed by the bike, it was a really nice bike.

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