Episode 18

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FGO Babylonia EP 18


Kingu stood on a ridge as he watched the sun rise.

"I'm sure this will be the final night," Kingu said. "For humans... and for me!"

Fujimaru and Mash were alone in the throne room with Gilgamesh.

"You surely aren't thinking that the fall of Uruk was all your fault..." Gilgamesh said, "...that it was because you released Tiamat, right?"

"You mean it's not?" Cinder said.

"They did kind of woke her up," Watts said.

"Nah, it's Merlin's fault," Hazel said. "He should have realized it sooner, given that he's the reason she was asleep in the first place."

"Right, and this has nothing to do with your hate boner for Ozpin," Mercury said.

"All I care about is that my goddess is here in all her glory!" Tyrian said.

Salem sighed. Good help was so hard to find these days. Maybe she should wait another hundred years before enacting her evil plan? This generation was obviously defective.

Gilgamesh looked at them as they stayed silent, heads down and sighed.

"Fools!" Gilgamesh said. "No one's interested in your repentance! Mash... You told me only five hundred people survived from Sumer, didn't you? That's wrong."

Fujimaru and Mash looked up at him.

"It wasn't only five hundred," Gilgamesh said. "It was the great number of five hundred. In my vision, I was the only one left in Uruk, but five hundred survived. I consider that a great achievement!"

"You knew, didn't you?" Fujimaru asked.

"Yes," Gilgamesh said. "My people did, too."

"Does that mean..." Mash said, "...that all the civilians fought through all of this with an understanding of how it will end?"

"Yes," Gilgamesh said.

"Amazing," Mash said. "That is truly amazing!"

"It really is," Kali said. "I don't think the people in Remnant would react like that."

"They would be on the streets, demanding that the politicians do something," Amber said.

"And then complain when they do something that's not popular but necessary," Ironwood groaned. "Sometimes, I don't think democracy is worth it."

"Trust me, compared to absolute monarchies and totalism, it's a significant improvement," Ozpin said, having lived through every possible form of governance humanity has come up with. He still shuddered at that one civilization that took democracy to the extreme. Who needed to debate and vote on whether or not to respond to an attack on the city, while the armies were already burning down your houses!?

"Doesn't mean that it's the best though," Raven shrugged.

"Right, and if you had your way, the leader would be decided via trial by combat," Qrow said. "You do realize that all that shows is that the leader is a good fighter, right? What if they're bad at economics and stuff?"

"Meh, just kill them and start over," Raven said.

"How did we never notice that you two were from a bandit tribe until you told us again?" Summer wondered.

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