Fate Zero - Qrow vs Tyrian

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Fate Zero - Qrow vs Tyrian


Emiya Kiritsugu - Qrow Branwen

Kotomine Kirei - Tyrian Callows

Zack looked at his tablet. "What is with all these Fate requests?"

"You did do some twenty of them before," Jaune casually mentioned.

"People want Unlimited Waifu/Husbando Work!" Nora said.

"Well, they can have this instead," Zack said.

"Are you three ever going to explain what you're talking about?" Watts asked.

"No," they said.

Inside a vast room, lights switched on one after another, illuminating the smug face of Tyrian Callows on the other side. Qrow looked at him as the Executor kissed the cross on his necklace. The two men stared off one another.

"Oh, I'm fighting him," Qrow said. "Great."

"Huzzah!" Tyrian cried. "It's Crow Hunting Season!"

"Duck season!" Nora said.

"Rabbit season!" Tyrian said. "Wait, why did I say that?"

"It's the proper response," Zack sagely said.

"Is that a religious symbol on Callows neck?" Hazel asked.

"Always knew the religious types were nutty," Cinder said.

"But does he have bayonets for days?" Jaune asked.

Tyrian brandished six Black Keys and rushed at the assassin. Qrow brought up his Thompson Contender, Tyrian extending the blades of his Black Keys in response.

"Kind of basic," Ruby said. "A single shot hunting pistol?"

"Not everything needs to be flashy," Summer said.

"Well, at least it won't break easily," Qrow said.

"Oh yeah, that's always a pain with mechashift weapons," Sun said. "Making sure everything is oiled up and in working order."

"Sometimes simple is best," Ozpin said.

"Says the man with a cane that's also a bomb," Zack said.

"It's a WHAT!?"

Qrow fired his gun, the bullet flying straight and true towards Tyrian, striking one of his blades, causing them to ripple as the magic of the bullet did its work.

'Origin Rounds. They cause the target's mana to go out of control, causing their body to rip itself apart.'

Jacques collapsed in great pain as his mana went out of control.

"So cool!" Ruby said with stars in her eyes.

"Is that me!?' Jacques said.

"Yup," Zack said. "Died like a wimp too."

"And his fiancee was more interested in his Servant than him," Jaune said. "Oh, and that version of me was there. He doesn't like to talk about it."

"Why not?" Pyrrha asked.

"You're lucky you're cute and a girl otherwise your red hair would trigger something in me," Jaune said as she blushed.

The Black Keys shattered but Tyrian himself was unharmed.

'What!?' a shocked Qrow thought as Tyrian was already upon him.

'Time Alter:..."

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