26 - Pre-Game Warm Up

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A/N: Ah, finally an update! Here goes...


"Malfoy is pissed."

I almost have a heart attack as I go to step out of the steamy shower and see Harry stood in the middle of the bathroom, his arms folded across his chest and glasses thankfully steamed up.

"HARRY, WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yell, quickly reaching out for my towel which I wrap around me faster than anyone can say, Rest In Peace, Potter.

"Don't worry, it's not like I can see or anything, although if I did I wouldn't get a boner anyway. It doesn't work anymore."

"That is beside the point!" I splutter angrily, tightening the towel around me. "This is a complete violation of my privacy, Harry."

He sighs heavily, taking off his glasses to give them a wipe. They steam up again the second he replaces them on his nose.

"There are more pressing issues today," he continues in a lazy drawl. "I've just been haunting the Slytherin quarters and it appears that Malfoy is baying for your blood."

"Well, of course he is. I just outed his darling daddy as being a sadist who gets off on watching teenage girls being tortured by noseless old aged pensioners in graveyards."

"The point is," Harry continues as I throw my head forward and wrap a second towel around my hair, "you're playing against him in Quidditch today and I'm worried that he's planning something sinister."

"Oh, what you mean like he's going to sit down at his badge press and write a song in my honour?" I scoff. "I'm not being funny Harry but Malfoy's idea of revenge is pretty lame."

I go to the mirror and carefully examine my face for any sign of pimples. I need to be looking my best today when all eyes will be on me after I catch the Snitch right under Draco's stupid nose.

A small thrill swoops low in my stomach at the thought of being up in the skies in front of a full stadium, even the thought of Draco wanting me to die a painful death doesn't put me off.

"But, Cece, when I say he's pissed, I mean he's really pissed. They've all got this morning's copy of the Quibbler and I overheard him telling Crabbe and Goyle that you're going to be seeing me again before the day is up."

"Well, he wasn't wrong there," I sigh, reaching for my tweezers to pluck my eyebrows. I mean, I'm glad that Harry is talking to me again, but waiting for me in the bathroom as I take my shower? It's a little much, not to mention creepy as fuck.

"I'm going to keep close to your side today and help you be your eyes. I know it's technically cheating, but the sooner you catch that Snitch, the sooner you can be back safely on the ground. Malfoy has played dirty with me more than once during Quidditch, and to be honest Cece, if it wasn't for the fact that we're wizards, I would have been dead long before I stepped into that graveyard."

"Don't be so dramatic," I tut. "If we didn't have magic then you wouldn't have been flying twenty feet up in the air on a broomstick in the first place."

I pull my make up bag towards me and begin the forty minute routine it takes for me to look my 'natural' best.

I zone Harry out as he goes on about tactics and watching my back at all times. I hope that if Draco has indeed produced more badges, then this time he has used a more attractive angle of my face. I shudder when I remember last years dreadful attempt.

I eat my breakfast in silence as the Hufflepuffs not only wish me good luck for the game but also congratulate me on my Quibbler interview. I smile politely, but I still haven't forgiven the back stabbing badgers for turning their backs on me and believing that I'd actually killed another student simply to win a stupid trophy.

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