33 - Surely You Can't Be Sirius?

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I feel a hand shaking my shoulder, and, as I open my eyes, there is Draco crouched over me, his brow furrowed in concern.

Mortification hits me as I realise I am sprawled on the hard cold stone floor of the classroom. Every single pair of eyes in the room stare down at me.

I sit up and clutch my head as everything spins. A wave of sickness swoops low in my stomach, and even though it's hot, I find I am shivering.

"Cece, what happened? Why did you scream? Did you have a vision?"

The questions being fired at me are not coming from Draco, but Harry, who has since appeared in the classroom.

"It- it was nothing-" I groan, pressing the heel of my hand hard against my throbbing temple.

Draco frowns, thinking I'm talking to him. "It didn't look like nothing. You passed out and then started screaming."

Murmurs immediately sweep across the room, a few nervous giggles too.

"Miss Diggory, are you quite alright?" Professor Marchbank calls over. "Perhaps a little trip to the hospital wing might be in order?"

"I'll accompany her," Draco says authoritatively before I can answer for myself.

"But your exam-"

"Don't mind that. My father's rich. I'll just get him to bribe the exam board."

Professor Marchbanks laughs as though she thinks he's joking.

Without another word, Draco starts trying to pull me to my feet. Irked, I shake him off and get up by myself, but as soon as I do so, the room spins and I have to lean against him as Sirius's screams play over and over again in my head.

"Here," Draco murmurs as he holds me steady, "let me help you."

Too exhausted to argue, I curl my own arm around his sturdy torso and hold onto him as my head flops against his shoulder. He feels so solid, and, despite my still aching head, I experience a rush of desire as I recall how the muscles in his stomach had tautened when he pushed inside me.

"Cece-" Harry begs as he follows us out. "Tell me what you saw. I know it was a vision. Tell me!"

I choose not to answer him until we are safely out of the classroom.

"Cece?" Harry presses, practically dancing around us as Draco helps me along the hallway. "Did you have a vision?"

"It's Sirius," I eventually say, only to shut him up.

"What's serious?" Draco asks, clearly confused. He stops walking as he looks down at me in concern. "Have you some sort of illness?"

"Sirius?!" Harry repeats, horrified. "What's happened to him? Is he okay?"

"No... yes... I don't know," I confess. "It could just have been a nightmare or something."

"Huh?" Draco says just as Harry rushes in with his own response. "But you don't know that for sure," he implores, pushing his glasses up his nose. "Please, Cece, you need to tell someone if Sirius could be in danger."

"But who?" I ask. "Dumbledore has done a runner and McGonagall's in hospital, we're fresh out of options."

"Wait, hang on a minute-" Draco says, looking around with a frown, "are you talking to Potter?"

"Yes," I say, feeling exasperated by the multiple conversations going on.

"Don't tell him anything," Harry orders. "You can't trust him, not when he takes orders from that bitch who makes you cut your hand."

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