3 - Two Pumpkin Pasties Please

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Unfortunately, by the time I reached the trolley witch, there was already a huge queue.

And sadly, Chen wasn't amongst them.

"Great," I grumbled, wishing I'd just sent Susan out.

I thought about going back and giving her my order, but then I remembered my promise to be kinder to others.

So, joining the line, I stood behind Harry Potter and Ron Weasley who were bickering about gold or something.

"Hey guys," I said cheerily, causing them both to suddenly wheel round.

"Uh- hey, Cece," Harry smiled goofily; his cheeks colouring once again, "that was a good game. Quidditch, I mean. Uh- the World Cup. Did you... enjoy it?"

It was adorable how in love with me he was.

I smiled brightly back at him, resisting the urge to pat his head like a dog. "It was great, I slept like a baby that night. Missed all the drama, though. I heard things got a little wild."

"Ah, it was nothing really," Ron shrugged coolly, "just some idiots tossing Muggles into the air. Nothing we couldn't handle."

We moved closer to the trolley.

"How was the rest of your summer, Harry?" I asked, wondering what it must be like living with the Muggle equivalent of the Malfoy's. "Blow up anymore family members?"

"Not this time," he chuckled nervously, going a deeper shade of red, "I left that to Fred and George."

I just looked at him, baffled.

"His greedy cousin ate one of their Ton-Tongue toffees," Ron explained, rolling his eyes, "his already fat tongue blew up ten times the size. Would've choked to death if Dad hadn't intervened."

"No big loss there," Harry muttered darkly, shoving his hands in his trouser pockets.

"Wow, kind of harsh, Harry," I said, totally shocked at his sudden callousness, "he's your cousin!"

Perhaps I should lend him that book of mine about being more respectful? After all, it wouldn't hurt for him to lose a few of those pimples.

I was about to put my kind and generous offer forward when we suddenly found ourselves at the front of the queue.

"Anything from the trolley, dears?"

"Packet of drewbals and a liquorice wand." Ron mumbled, counting out his measly change. "On second thought, just the drewbals."

"It's alright I'll get it." Harry offered like a knight in shining armour.

"Just the drewbals, thanks." Ron said glaring at him; the air suddenly thick with tension.

Wow, like these two needed to go to couple counselling or something.

I made a big show of dropping to my knees to rifle around my bag for my purse, hoping that Harry would offer to get mine too.

However, what I didn't anticipate was someone walking up to the other side of the trolley and rudely butting in.

"Two pumpkin pasties please."

I furiously jumped back up, about to go into a tirade about how fucking rude they were for not lining up like everyone else, but instead, my heart literally stopped beating.

Chen Chang.

It was like one of those scenes in the movies where two star crossed lovers see each other from across a crowded room and everyone else becomes nothing but an insignificant blur.

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