20 - Sweet Sixteen

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I looked up in surprise as a gift-wrapped package complete with large lurid yellow bow was thrown down next to my bowl of cornflakes.

"Happy birthday, Cece," Ron said, slapping my shoulder.

Next to him, Hermione stood smiling. "It's from the both of us."

"Wow, you shouldn't have guys," I said raising an eyebrow as I picked up the gift and fondled it curiously.

It felt suspiciously like a book.

I was proven correct when I tore away the wrappings to reveal a large yellow and black paperback. I read the title. Teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts For Dummies.

"Uh- thanks?" I said, not sure how to react to such a... thoughtful gift.

"It was Hermione's idea." Ron said quickly. "All Hermione's. I just wrapped it."

"No you didn't," Hermione scolded, folding her arms crossly. "I wrapped it, you just stuck on that stupid bow!"

"Hey!" Hurt flitted across his face. "That bow makes it! It would be nothing without that bow! Without that bow it would just be a boring book wrapped in brown paper!"

"There is no such thing as a boring book, Ronald Bilius Weasley!"

"Guys," I interrupted, feeling exasperated. "Can I just ask - why this book?"

"Well," Hermione said brightly, "both Ron and I had an idea-"

"Mostly your idea, actually." Ron mumbled, looking thoroughly put out by being middle named.

"Will you just shut up?!" Hermione fumed, turning to glare daggers at her best friend. Ron cowered, backing away slightly.

"Anyway," she continued, turning back brightly to me. "Clearly, you are one of the brightest and powerful witches in this school."

Seriously? Did she not know who she was?

"You were picked as school champion, remember?" Hermione reminded me when it was clear by my face that I disagreed. "And you've faced Voldemort and survived, overcoming many dangerous obstacles to get there."

"It was a fluke," I shrugged morosely, my chest tightening unpleasantly. "And besides, Chen taught me a lot of the spells required to get through those tasks."

"But you learnt them!" Ron said, getting his mojo back. "And you've got this... quality about you that makes people want to listen to you. We reckon you'd be perfect for the job."

"What job?" I asked, despite having the sinking feeling that I knew exactly where they were heading with this.

And no way was I going to do that.

"To teach us, of course!" Hermione smiled brightly, as though she was offering me a treat and not the worst birthday present ever. "To teach everyone who wants to learn what that vile bitch is refusing to teach us. We need to be prepared, Cece. Now more than ever."

"In case you hadn't noticed," I scoffed, indicating with my hand how far away everyone at my table was sitting from me, "but these days the entire school regards me as a 'nutter'. I doubt they'd want me to stand up in front of them and start preaching to them about defending themselves against a man whom everyone is refusing to believe exists!"

"Nonsense," Ron chortled. "Hermione and I have been asking around and there's been a lot of interest."

"There has?" I blinked, surprised.

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