39 - Enemies With Benefits

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Harry looks at me expectantly as I step out of the compartment.

Fuck, I forgot about him. He really waited while I just got fingered? How tragic.

"No, he isn't a Death Eater." I sigh, smoothing down my skirt. "So you can relax that theory now."

Somewhere, the train's whistle blows.

"Are you sure?" Harry asks skeptically. "Did you see his arm?"

"Yes, I saw his arm. Nothing there. No tattoo."

I start hurrying along the corridor as the train's engines begin to chug.

"The left one?" Harry calls, following close behind me.

"Yes, Harry," I snap, stopping in my tracks to whirl angrily around. "I'm not a fucking imbecile. Besides, he took his entire shirt off and no tattoo on any arm."

Harry frowns. "Why did he take his shirt off?"

"Because I asked him to."

"Wow. The power." Harry says, looking mildly impressed. "If I had gone and asked a girl to take her top off, she'd probably have blown her rape whistle right in my face."

"Well, at least we know now, and we can leave Malfoy well alone."

I can feel the train begin to roll along the tracks. If I don't get off now then I'd be back in London before tomorrow.

"Yeah, but I still think he's up to something." Harry calls after me as I fling open a carriage door. "Did you find anything else out that seemed suspicious?"

The wind billows my hair about as the train begins to gather momentum. Oh fuck, I am going to have to jump and risk ruining my new Prada's. And it isn't as though I can afford to replace them anymore.

Closing my eyes, I leap and end up doing some kind of funny roll in the air as Harry and the train speeds off out of view.

"Bugger!" I scream as I land painfully on my side and something loudly cracks.

I sigh with relief when I realise it's just my arm. Broken bones can be fixed after all, but designer shoes not.

I stagger up to the castle with my right arm hanging uselessly by my side. All the carriages have already left. I'm not going to lie, I'm a little hurt that literally no one waited for me. I could have been getting fucking murdered for all they cared.

Once I reach the castle, I think of going straight to the hospital wing, but I'm so hungry that I just storm into the Great Hall mid Sorting. Professor McGonagall glares at me and all eyes watch me as I stagger over to the Hufflepuff table.

"Are you okay, Cece?" Justin Finch-Fletchley asks me as I slide into the seat next to him. He touches my broken arm and I snarl at him like an angry dog.

"Touch me again and you die." I hiss, not forgetting what Pansy had said she'd overheard.

When the food appears, I angrily hack at it, hating that I can't use my right arm. Zacharias Smith offers to help me but I tell him to fuck off.

Through all this, I can't help but notice Susan and Hannah trying to catch my eye. I suppose those bitches want to re-friend me now that I'm 'hot' again. But jokes on them - I'm not the same Cece they used to know. I'm bitter and angry and unforgiving of their shitty treatment of me.

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