36 - Old People

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The train whistles noisily as I make my way down to the station.

Everyone around me speeds up, eager to get down there before the Hogwarts Express departs. I, however, keep to my snail's pace, every now and then glancing back up at the castle. I still haven't seen Harry and I am beginning to worry.

Someone else who I haven't seen since leaving the Room of Requirement that morning is Draco. He did not appear at breakfast, and I haven't seen him amongst the gathered for the train. I wonder if he's been sent home another way - perhaps his mother needed him immediately.

I cast my mind back to our earlier argument and my stomach churns in fury. The amount of hate I have for him is indescribable. He literally is unable to see why I might be a little upset by his father's repeated attempts at destroying my life.

But the sex... well, I don't really have anything to compare it to, but it's everything I need in that moment. And I can't imagine ever doing any of that with anyone except Draco.

Which is a troubling thought.

I wonder what goes through his mind when he fucks me. The hatred in his eyes look genuine and I get the feeling he really enjoys inflicting pain on me, gets off on it, even. But then he went and held me in his arms, and tenderly brushed his lips against my jaw which was still suffering the impact of his iron grip.

I had liked it. It soothed the heavy feeling in my heart that had made itself at home ever since the night of the graveyard.

"Cece- wait!"

I whirl around at the familiar voice, and my heart leaps as I see Harry running down the footpath towards me.

"Harry, where've you been?" I ask at once, relieved that I wasn't going to start the summer without saying goodbye. "I thought I would have seen you last night when I got back from the Ministry. Harry, I'm so sorry, but Sirius is-"

"I know," he cuts me off, his eyes flickering sadly, "I've been trying to find him, hoping that maybe he'll come and haunt Hogwarts with me, but he's nowhere."

"Oh, Harry, I'm sorry," I say gently. "Perhaps he had no unfinished business left and went on?"

"Yeah, I suppose," he mutters morosely, looking hellishly sorry for himself.

"Last night," I rush out, keen to give him something to cling to. "Dumbledore... he told me that I'm the chosen one... that I've got to be the one to kill Voldemort. This could be the thing I need to do to get you reunited with your parents."

"Yeah... I sort of thought that would be the case," Harry says, pushing his glasses up his nose. "But you're not alone, Cece. I'm going to help you every step of the way, in any way I can. And you have Dumbledore too, don't forget. I know he comes across as a bit crazy, but listen to him, Cece. He's the smartest man in the world and will always guide you in the right direction."

Shouts up ahead draw our attention. I squint. It's Ron and Hermione. They are waiting for me and waving.

"Are you coming?" I ask Harry, beckoning down towards the station.

He hesitates and wrinkles his nose. "Nah, I think I might stay on at the castle for the summer. I like it here. It's peaceful. And it has Dumbledore."

"Okay, as long as you're sure?" I ask, feeling worried about him getting lonely. "You can come and visit me anytime, all right? Just don't randomly appear in my bedroom or anything."

"Thanks, Cece," he smiles his fourteen year old smile, "but I should be good. Looking forward to the peace to be honest."

I playfully stick my tongue out at him and he throws his head back and chortles, his green eyes twinkling warmly.

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