37 - Scary Stories

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My vision is obscured by lots of bushy hair as Hermione throws her arms around me.

"Oh, Cece! We had no idea that you were coming!"

"Neither did I," I drawl, pulling away to flip my shiny hair behind my shoulder, "apparently my parents have forgotten they even have a daughter."

"Oh," Hermione blinks, glancing back nervously at Ron who is hovering in the bedroom hallway.

I am sleeping in Fred and George's old room, apparently. Molly said it was lucky that they've got the flat above the shop now, otherwise I would have had to sleep in the garden shed.

She wasn't best pleased when Dumbledore woke her up in the middle of the night to offload a minor on her.

"Can't you take her back to Hogwarts?" Molly had grumbled, pulling her tatty dressing gown tightly around her plump body.

Dumbledore went red and readjusted his glasses. "Ah- no... insurance does not permit children to stay on over the summer."

"Since when does Hogwarts take out insurance?" Molly asked, narrowing her eyes suspiciously.

"Since I keep getting sued for all these deaths and mysterious accidents." Dumbledore sighed and shook his head sadly. "It's not my fault if people are so careless with their lives."

"Well, if you insist on hiring Death Eaters and werewolves to teach our children then maybe we wouldn't be having this conversation!"

She then angrily reached out and roughly pulled me inside, slamming the door shut in Dumbledore's startled face.

And so here I am, sleeping under a Bart Simpson duvet, whoever that is.

Ron nods, and steps inside the room. "Hey Cece, Mum says breakfast will be ready in five. She's been trying to contact your parents to come and pick you up but has been getting no answer."

Oh fucking great. I'm supposed to be the Chosen One yet not even my fucking parents want me!

"Anyway, good news about Fudge getting sacked, eh?" Ron adds, rubbing his hands together. "Wonder what this new one is like? At least now they're not denying You Know Who's existence anymore."

"Yeah, or calling me a deluded liar." I mutter, thinking angrily of Umbridge.

"Our Cece, the Chosen One!" Hermione beams brightly, clasping her hands together as though it were a good thing to be told you had to be the one to kill a murdering psychopath before he kills you first.

Molly cooks us up quite the feast for breakfast. Bacon, sausages, scrambled eggs and mushrooms. I pile my plate up high until I see Molly giving me a disapproving look. Guiltily, I replace a sausage.

"Still can't get hold of your parents, Cecilia," she sniffs. "Do you know where they could have possibly gone? On holiday perhaps?"

"Nah, apparently they've got no money," I shrug, "Dad said something about the bank threatening him."

"Gringotts?" Arthur Weasley says, lowering his newspaper.

"I guess so," I shrug again, chewing on a bit of fatty bacon. "Where else?"

"Oh... Merlin," Arthur breathes, looking very troubled. "You do not want to get in debt to those goblins. I heard rumour that they come into your house when you're sleeping and 'disappear' people who don't pay up."

"Arthur! That's nonsense!" Molly shrieks, looking down at him in aghast. "You're scaring the poor girl half to death! I'm sure they're just enjoying a leisurely lay in and taking advantage of a child free environment."

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