42 - The Sauna Virgin

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Amazon comes back, my note undelivered.

Slowly, I can feel my blood turning cold. It is like ice and fire at the same time, and despite the late summer heat, I shiver.

Harry, I think, my heart racing. I need Harry. I hurry back to the Great Hall, ignoring well wishers on the way. My birthday has quite suddenly lost all significance to me. What is important is finding out where my parents are.

But Harry is gone, he is not there. I feel the panic take over, I cannot breathe. I whirl around on the spot, wringing my hands through my hair.

And then the bell goes, signalling the start of classes. There is a collective groan in the Great Hall as everyone gets to their feet and begins to slowly file out.

My mind races, I cannot comprehend sitting in a class. I think about going to Dumbledore, but would he really care?

Before I can make any further decision, however, a hand closes over my elbow, making me startle.

"Hey-" Draco starts before I can whip round and punch him, "-it's just me. I... uh- you seem a little upset."

I just stare at him, my mouth agape. It's been a while since I've seen him this close, and I cannot believe the change in him. My eyes flicker around his face, taking it all in: shadows beneath his tired eyes, the gauntness of his cheeks. His skin this close looks almost grey, and I have to stop myself from reaching out to touch it.

"Draco-" I whisper, my voice almost trembling."what's happened to you?"

A frown flickers over his features, for a second I think he is going to tell me to mind my own business but then his face softens, his eyes looking warmly into mine. I have to fight the urge to close the gap between us and wrap my arms around him. I've never wanted to be held more than in this very moment.

"Never mind me, what's upset you?" He drawls softly. "It's your birthday isn't it? Shouldn't you be happy?"

"My parents... I haven't heard from them in over two months." My words gush out in my desperate need to voice my worries. "They would never miss my birthday. I think something's happened to them."

He appears to mull over my words. "I can ask Mother if she's heard anything," he says eventually. "If you like?"

"Are you sure?" I ask, my heart hammering in hope and suddenly feeling that little bit less alone.

The Great Hall has emptied around us completely now, with students already at their classes waiting to learn.

"I could send an owl now, if it makes you feel any better?"

I swallow. "Don't you have classes to get to?"

He shrugs, a hint of a smile twitching at his lips. "It's your birthday, isn't it? Why don't we play hooky?"

I feel something inside of me knot and his use of the word 'we' causes the familiar sensation of butterflies to take flight in my stomach. I return the smile, my heart racing quickly.

He beckons me to follow him, and I do, the both of us hurrying along to the owlery. I struggle to keep up with his long and deliberate strides. He moves deftly and with purpose, and I find myself entirely grateful that someone else seems to be taking charge. I can't quite believe it is Draco Malfoy, however, who is saving me.

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