31 - Enjoy the Energy

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I am heart broken.

I walk around in a daze, full of grief and misery. I don't want to talk to anyone, I don't want to even see them.

What I want is what I can't have back. Harry. Just Harry... alive and not having to rent anyone's body.

I avoid Draco where I can. It hurts to look at him, to be reminded of those lips and those arms. When I told him it was over, he took it surprisingly well.

"Suit yourself," he had shrugged. "I got what I wanted out of our arrangement anyway."

And then he left, probably to find Hannah and kiss her - kiss her till his lips are numb and tingly so he has to use the chapstick I bought him.

I still see Harry but it's not the same. I find it difficult to be around him too. He looks so young and feels so far away from me.

When I tentatively suggests he still comes to the party with me as my date, he just sighs heavily.

"Cecilia, you are going to be seventeen in just three months time. I am - and always will be - fourteen years old. You need to move on, date someone real."

"But I don't want anyone else," I whisper. My throat hurts and I want to cry. I hate this feeling so much. I feel so empty and long for Harry to hold me in Draco's arms again.

"It wasn't healthy, what we were doing." Harry says sagely. "I'm here to help you defeat Voldemort and then I can go back to my parents and rest in peace. We need to stay focused and forget everything else. Why don't you go and spend time with Ron and Hermione? You don't speak to them anymore, you don't speak to anyone except for me."

"That's not true," I say defensively, "I speak to Amazon whenever I give her a letter to take home to my parents."

Harry rolls his eyes and I wonder what happened to Hedwig when he died. This thought lowers my mood ever more, so I push it away along with all my other depressing thoughts.

In the end, I decide to go to the party alone. I wasn't going to go at all, but then I heard a rumour that there were going to be mini burgers and I was really intrigued.

I watch with narrowed eyes as Hannah skips out of the bathroom wearing a tight sparkly black dress which show off her long legs and pushes up her tits. Draco is going to be positively drooling.

"How do I look?" She giggles at Susan who is wearing a purple jump suit with matching purple platforms.

"Gorgeous!" Susan says as they both twirl around like little children.

I, myself, am wearing my signature colour, yellow. I opt for a long backless dress with a slit up one side showing off a leg. I dress with Harry in mind, even though I know he won't be there.

Once I finish applying my make up, I slowly make my way down to the Great Hall. It is already in full swing, with music and laughter drifting through the castle's hallways.

I'll have a mini burger or two and then I'll leave, I tell myself.

But when I get inside, to my dismay, the buffet table is all the way on the other side of the hall which means passing the dance floor.

Disgruntled, I battle my way through the crowd. Everyone is having fun and enjoying themselves and I hate every one of them.

I never make it to the buffet table, however, never even find out if those mini burgers are real, and whether or not they have mini gherkins and mini cheese slices inside?

For something makes me freeze halfway across the dance floor.

Draco and Hannah. His arms are around her, hands on her backside. His lips are on hers and the way he is kissing her makes my heart shatter.

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