24 - Keeping It In The Family

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"Now who's going after sloppy seconds?!"

"Shut up, Susan," I sniped, angrily packing my trunk for the train the following day.

I was in a foul fucking mood, confused as hell and wondering why I couldn't get that kiss out of my mind.

I thought I had been kissing Harry. Well, at least I thought he was the one kissing me. So that meant I desired Harry, right?

So then why, whenever I closed my eyes, was it always Draco Malfoy I pictured, running my hands through his white-blond hair as I sighed against his lips, the scent of him intoxicating me.

It was two nights ago now, and I hadn't seen Harry since. I was leaving for Sirius's the following morning and I wanted a chance to say goodbye and clear the air.

I felt like I had majorly betrayed him, but also, in another way, I thought he had no right to feel angry at me. He was the one who possessed another body and started the moves on me. How the fuck was I supposed to know he'd found a moral compass at the last minute leaving me to kiss Draco alone?

And that was another thing. Draco hadn't pushed me away. In fact, he had seemed to enjoy the kiss as much as I had, and there was no way he would have thought I was Pansy.

Had he known I thought he was Harry?

I hadn't seen him since either, thank Merlin. What would I even say? Nice kiss? I still hate you but let's do it again sometime?

And he was only fifteen. I was a cougar. The utter mortification.

"And aren't you being a bit hypocritical?" Hannah pitched in nastily. "Remember when you told Susan that if she even looked in Malfoy's direction, then you'd ditch her as a friend? But yet it's okay for you to shove your tongue down his throat, and right in front of his girlfriend, no less? Let me tell you Cece, desperation is not a good look on you."

"Fuck you both," I muttered, slamming down the lid of my trunk as I strutted from the dormitory, deciding to try one last attempt to search for Harry.


Pansy wasn't talking to him, and according to gossip, he was well and truly dumped. Not that Draco cared.

It was a relief, truth be told. Because now he didn't have to give her the 'it's not you, it's me' crap.

All he could think about was Cecilia and that kiss. He wasn't entirely sure what had happened. He seemed to have blanked out for a moment and when he came to, their faces were alarmingly close and there seemed to be this energy between them, and he thought why the hell not?

And the way she had responded blew his mind. Fuck, he'd kissed lots of girls before, but not like that. Never like that, in fact.

Most girls were usually stiff and awkward in their response and he could tell they wished it was over so they could run to their friends and brag about how they'd kissed Draco Malfoy, squealing in that annoying way that girls did.

But Cecilia had kissed him like she wanted to do nothing else more in the world. He could feel her body literally buzzing beneath his touch, and fuck, it had him more excited than he'd ever been in his life.

He'd been so into it that he'd all but forgotten they were stood in the middle of the fucking school. It was only when Pansy had literally dragged her off him, did he realise just how far they had been taking it.

But he was completely conflicted because he hated that Hufflepuff. She had humiliated him, and on top of that, constantly attempting to snitch on his father.

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