Chapter 6 -Growing Friendship

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"No way! She did not do that, oh god no wonder they have grown so quiet in the last few weeks!" Sawyer laughed, as we sat on his bed, eating the ice cream we had gotten earlier. I nodded, gulping down a bit of my chocolate chip mint one with a big grin on my face. I had just told him the story of how Cecilia had scared a few of my bullies, a group of boys that were on the eighth grade or so, for life. They had always teased me because I didn't know how to fight back with these humans who didn't just fight me because I was in the enemy pack, but because I was weak and they could do it to appear cool in front of others. 

She had sharpened her knives in front of them after she had heard how they had cornered me and tried to hurt me, with words and with fists if Asher wouldn't have come by and stopped them before they could do so, but they had done this before and she did not want that happening again. Well, it worked. They never approached me again and in hindsight, it was a really funny story, Sawyer's beautiful laughter was just proof of that. "Yeah, they really changed after that, but Cecilia h-hold's that kind of power over people" I laughed and Sawyer chuckled as well, before he quieted down. He looked into his lap, thinking about something as his smile vanished. 

"I really hate that so many people are mean to you. You really don't deserve that. Anybody else I should know about?" he asked and I gulped. Sawyer and I had been hanging out a few times now. He made me sit with him at lunch or well he didn't make me, but he invited me and I always did, even if my friends were at school as well, but they just cheered me on from afar through our mind link we all shared in the pack. We went to the record store one more time, we went out to grab a coffee after school once and now we went to grab some gelato and he invited me over to his house afterwards, since his parents were still working and we could hang out here in peace. I was a nervous mess, but it gave me a chance to be alone with my mate and connect with him on a human, emotional level. 

"Uhm well Tony, Marco and Peter do. But I guess you already knew that much" I said and Sawyer pressed his lips together, nodding. There were a few people who had been mean to me, but most of them my friends had taken care of. But these particular group of humans, especially Tony, they did not stop. They enjoyed it and I just didn't know how to stop it without involving my friends and bothering them with it. But Sawyer already knew about them, so I was not revealing anything new as he confirmed. 

"I did... And it isn't right. Tony, he is an idiot and his little servants are as well. I never liked him but now, I actually really hate him. That is so incredibly bad, to make you fear and hurt like that. But I can promise you, that I will get them to stop" Sawyer said, squeezing my hand and I fainted internally. Not because of what he said, that too, but because he was touching me and my whole body was filled with electric shocks. The mating bond could do that and I didn't hate it, it was just hard to hide it in front of Sawyer, especially since the moment didn't call for such a reaction. 

"Oh you don't have to bo-other, I can take it and it will only be a few more weeks of school anyway, then we will graduate and I will never see them again. You don't have to get involved and get yourself into trouble because of me" I said and Sawyer looked at me, seeming a bit shocked. I bit my lip, really worrying now that I had upset him with my words, because that was the last thing that I wanted. "Wait Lynton, do you actually believe that? Do you really think that you would inconvenience me by me keeping you, my friend, safe from these awful guys by my own free will?" he asked and I blushed. Oh lord I had upset him hadn't I...

"Uhm I-I mean I- kind of uhm... yes" I stuttered and Sawyer showed me a weak smile instead of looking angry at me, which I would have guessed him to do. I had really expected him to be annoyed with me, but he wasn't, he wasn't even impatient, he just said "Well you aren't. Take my word for it." Oh... ok. Uhm... that was good then I guess. Did I believe him? Well, actually, for the first time ever, I kind of really did. I believed that I wasn't bothering somebody with my existence and that felt... so so good, I could have fallen into his arms and cried, but that wasn't possible right now, we were not on that level yet and so I just smiled. 

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