Chapter 16 - Battle

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The mass of wolves came out of nowhere. And they seemed to be everywhere at once. They were coming forward from right and left, from behind us and before us. They even seemed to be raining from the sky. They were everywhere and Jack was not prepared, thank god. "God damn it Asher" he sneered, followed by a loud laugh as the first wolf of our side attacked him and he was shifting, fighting them off. A massacre was unfolding in front of us and Asher and the rest pushed me behind them, forming a circle around me and Sawyer to keep us safe, since they all just wanted to get to us. 

It was loud, but I was not scared. Sawyer held onto me as if to shield me, but I was the one who wanted to shield him. This was my battle after all. I would have expected to freeze up and be unable to do a thing, to ask Aban to just teleport me and Sawyer back to the pack house, even if he was busy fighting himself, but no, all I could think about in that moment was to fight and protect the ones that I loved. Nothing seemed more fitting in that moment than to do just that. But Asher and the others held us safe, I just didn't want them to get hurt simply because they were trying to protect me. I was good, I could fight and protect my mate better than the others, because even if I lacked with muscles, I was quick and smart and my pack needed me. 

But Asher and Jasper, as well as my friends, would have never let that happen. They didn't want me to fight these people, I had been through enough, but I knew they needed me. I heard the grunts of pain, I could see people of my pack getting hurt even if the others were clearly in the disadvantage here and would very probably lose. I knew it was stupid to want to be a part of this, but you have to understand how it feels to be able to fight with them, but you just don't do it and other people get hurt in the process because of it. I did not want that, they were all just doing me a favor. I would not give myself up, of course not, I just wanted to help them, but my friends had made a circle around me and Sawyer and were fighting off wolves, without trying to let go of each others hands.

I was trying to find an exit of the circle around us, but they were doing a good job holding onto each other and I did not want to bulge my way through there. "What are you doing??" Sawyer yelled over the loud noise around us, as he saw me trying to find an exit. "Stay here, I will help them, do not leave this circle!" I yelled back and I could see every color draining from Sawyer's face at my words, because he knew that it meant I would be in danger, since I would be fighting in a war, but this was my pack, I had to, I was born to do it! I could not let them fight my war without me, I needed to be a part of it. "No... No no, Lynton- Stop!" Sawyer called, but I already saw my chance. 

When Pax had to step forward and let go of Cecilia for a moment to kill a pair of wolves who had made it to us, I slipped out and shifted into my wolf form to run faster when I saw some wolves in trouble. I needed to help them and when I saw George, another omega, with one of the bigger wolves of the enemy on top of him, I came to the rescue. I would not sit by and let my pack get hurt. I shifted back into my human form, seeing my chance and wrapping my legs around the neck of the wolf, bringing him to the ground smoothly. I hit the nerve in the neck of the wolf to knock him out and helped George back up, but you needed to be quick on the battlefield and luckily I was. 

"Lynton get back here!!" Asher yelled, but I was already fighting another wolf, jumping over him, kicking him and knocking him down without much strength needed. "Are you crazy??" Cecilia called as well, but they all couldn't make their way over to me, as they were attacked left and right. I was fighting wolves off and tried to show them, that they did not need to worry. Jack was far away from me, he was currently getting attacked by four wolves and he had a bleeding head injury and his shoulder seemed to be hurt but you would have not guessed that he was in pain based on how he fought. But I would have never dared to get close to him. I stayed with the other wolves, fighting them and bringing them to the ground. 

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