Chapter 14 - No more, please

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I sat down by the dining table in Asher's and Riley's home, wiping away my tears. This couldn't be happening... please, I couldn't lose my mate! But it looked like I already had. "Oh honey! Here, have some water!" my dad hushed me, bringing me a glass from the sink and putting it down before me, while stroking over my back. My mom leaned down, kissing my forehead as she whispered "It is so painful to know you are hurt. Everything will be ok, Sawyer is a good person, I know that. He really likes you and he will come around, I promise!" It had only been a few minutes since my mate told me to leave now, since it was all too weird and much for him and the wound was still fresh, so I could not just nod along just yet.

"A-And what if he doesn't??" I asked, tears rolling down my cheeks, which my mother wiped away with a pained expression on her face. Sawyer was still upstairs, now probably getting an ear full by Riley, but I could not think about that right now. It was all just so.... so bad. First Jack appearing again and demanding me back to abuse me like he had when I was a child and now my mate refusing me. I couldn't handle this anymore. I was already battling anxiety, panic attacks, depression, nightmares and self-hatred. I just needed a break, I needed to breath again I- 

"That won't happen! Come on man, you are awesome and Sawyer knows that! And if he makes you trouble, we will just kidnap him for you, so you can have your mate" Pax said, smiling proudly at the end and we all stopped doing what we were doing, looking at him in pure shock and disbelieve. Was he being serious right now? Pax, who noticed the stares, even from his own mate, crossed his arms defensively in front of his chest, shrugging "What?? It was just a suggestion, geez!" Oh lord... he was so sweet, but sometimes really not that helpful. But I admired him. Because he would have the courage to actually do that. I wouldn't want to frighten my mate like that but even if I did, I would not be able to go through with it. No, now I was on my own with this and could only wait and hope. 

I sat there by the table and my family and friends tried to comfort me, hug me and bring me whatever they thought I could need in this situation like a blanket, some tissues and more water and they all tried to help me in their own special way. Cecilia suggested asking Aban, the witch from Jasper's pack, to cast some spell onto Sawyer so he would either forget everything he heard today or to make him just not care. But he should have his own free will, I didn't want for him to not be able to do so. Asher promised that his mate was doing his best to knock some sense into mine, but what could he say that would change his mind? And my parents, they just told me that he would come around, that I was too good to let go. Well they had to say that, they were my parents after all, my adoptive ones so they chose me. 

And after a while of sitting there, recovering from the shock of maybe losing my mate, we suddenly heard the door of the office open up and Sawyer leaving with Riley. They walked down the stairs and the luna looked very angry, I don't know why though. He had his arms crossed in front of his chest and glared at my mate, nudging him forward. They reached the end of the stairs and were now standing in the room. But Sawyer looked... ashamed? I don't know, he looked guilty and Riley had to nudge him forward, angrily hissing "Go talk to him!" My mate nodded and I tried to hide the fact that I had been crying but that was probably very useless. 

"Yes, yeah uhm Lynton? C-Could we talk? In private?" he asked me and I immediately jumped up, even if my limbs were wobbly and I didn't know if he wanted that to officially break up with me, but I just needed to know and I wanted to be close to my mate now more than ever. "Sure! L-Lets go o-outside" I said and my mom fixed the blanket around my shoulder while Pax threw my mate his jacket, before we walked out onto the terrace where we could talk alone. It was cold out, I presume, I was always warm anyway, but Sawyer didn't seem to mind. We stood there outside, both silent, because I did not dare to be the first one to talk. I was terrified, but I needed to know for sure and the thought of maybe losing him completely now made me want to cry again. 

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