X: Duality

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"The source of evil is desire, greed, and anger."― Aleksandra Layland


Bird stood in the doorway leading into the room where the press was set up for the mayor's announcement. There were rows of blue chairs facing a podium, and television cameras off to the sides and at the very back of the room. Pulling in a deep breath she cursed Falcone in her head for not giving her much time to figure out what she'd need to say once those cameras were rolling.

Slowly exhaling and finding a bit of calm amongst the chaos going on in the side room she'd been placed in, she considered that on second thought she might actually pull this off better going on a whim than if she'd had days of planning for it.

This was nothing but playing a role, getting out there with a smile plastered on and saying the things everyone wanted to hear. Just another deception, she told herself. Besides, Don Falcone wasn't the type of person you could easily say no to.

"Miss Wayne."

Turning around she saw Mayor James heading towards her.

"Mayor James." She greeted returning the smile and handshake he offered.

She'd never cared much for Gotham's current mayor, of course she understood the need to bend in order to keep from getting broken by the crime families in the city, but this compromise he'd came to –to save his own skin wasn't good for anyone. All he was doing was showcasing how weak he was, that with the first threat on his life he'd do anything to appease all the parties involved as long as it kept him safe.

"I'm glad you could be here tonight." He continued, "I know news of the compromise might not be an easy pill to swallow for the people of Gotham, but in the end I believe it's the best option for everyone. It's the plan the city needs."

The smile remained on her lips, but an almost blank expression fell over her brown eyes as she stared back at him in disbelief. He was trying to sell the idea to her as if she couldn't think and see for herself the many flaws it possessed.

"Save it for the cameras." Bird replied, her voice steady as she looked around them.

With a startled expression he asked, "I'm sorry?"

"You heard me." Bird said with a stern tone to her voice, "I mean being under Falcone's influence is one thing, but bending over for Maroni too? That's a new low... even for you."

His mouth hung open in shock as he stared back at her, his cheeks and the edges of his ears had taken on a red hue from anger at what she'd said.

Taking a step forward he growled under his breath, "They tried to kill me."

"Mayor James, if I had a dollar for every time someone threatened me or actually tried to kill me..." Her voice trailed off and she gave a small shrug before adding in an arrogant laced tone, "Well, I guess it doesn't matter. I'm a Wayne, the one thing I don't need more of is money."

"Good, I've caught you both here. We're going live in about four minutes."

They both turned to see one of the media liaisons for the mayor's office scrambling towards them with a wooden clipboard in her arms.

"We'll start everything off with the Mayor's speech, after which Miss Wayne will take over –say a few words, and then it will go back to the Mayor where we've allowed time for a small question and answer segment." She said, looking frazzled as her eyes darted between them.

"Sounds great." Bird feigned enthusiasm, as the dread in the pit of her stomach started to grow.

"Here." The woman said, as she pulled a paper off the clipboard and handed it to Bird, "I drew up a small outline and suggestions of what to say, you know, in case you start to freeze up in front of the cameras."

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