XL: Hey Jealousy

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"This was a new skill she'd acquired, the ability to look, to the  outside world, utterly serene and even cheerful, while, in her skull,  all was chaos." ― Dave Eggers, The Circle


Bird  hugged her coat against her as she walked along under the strings of  orb lighting amongst the traveling trailers, R.V.'s and brightly colored  tents belonging to the circus workers.

As she walked along she  slowed to a stop next to a medium sized flatbed truck with several  square bales of straw around it with a few stacked like stairs against  it.

Her head cocked to the side when she thought she saw the  bottom of a high-heeled shoe sticking out from under the dark tarp  spread over it. Upon closer inspection she could have sworn the shape  under the tarp could pass for a body.

"Someone under there?" She  asked, looking closer to see if there was a person under the tarp, when  she didn't get an answer and the shoe covered foot didn't move her eyes  widened as she realized if it was a body –that body wasn't breathing.

Reaching out a hand she started to grab onto the tarp to see what was underneath it.

"What are you doing?"

Spinning  around, startled from the interruption she let out a small gasp as she  stared at the person who'd interrupted her –a young man with red hair and  green eyes.

"I, uh..." She  breathed, glancing back to the tarp, but before she could finish her  thought he said, "You're not supposed to be back here."

"I got  lost." Bird lied, in truth she'd been wandering around the living  quarters of the circus workers trying to make up her mind whether she  was really ready to see Harvey and wondered if he was expecting to pick  things back up where they'd left off.

"You have to go past at  least two signs saying back here is off limits to circus attendees." He  pointed out with a look on his face to show he didn't believe a word of  what she was saying.

Flashing him a pearly white smile she conceded, "Caught me. I'm sort of avoiding someone."

His  eyes darted down to the tarp before they went back to her face he  offered a smile and apologized, "I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to be rude."  Nodding around to all of the traveling homes set up he explained, "This  is our home, everything we have is right here and we've had some thefts  from outsiders."

"I understand." She nodded, returning the smile, before her attention was drawn back to the possible dead body under the tarp.

His eyes widened as he watched her reaching for the tarp again.

Rushing forward he, stammered, "I-I'm Jerome." He put his hand out in front of her to stop her from raising the tarp.

Her brown eyes locked with his wide green eyes and she accepted the handshake and said, "I'm Bird."

With a raised eyebrow he asked, "Bird? Your name is Bird?"

"My  name is Bird." She nodded, looking down to where he was still shaking  her hand and clearly trying to keep her from looking under the tarp.

Her  eyes narrowed inquisitively as she asked, "If everyone is getting ready  for the show... why are you wandering around out here?"

"I'm not a performer." He explained, remembering her earlier admission as he asked, "Who are you avoiding?"

There  was a bright look in her eyes as she shook her head back and forth,  clearly not looking to tell her personal business to a stranger.

"I could show you where to buy a ticket for tonight?" He offered, his eyes falling back to the tarp.

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