XLI: You Know How Mothers Are

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"There is something at work in my soul, which I do not understand." ― Mary Shelley, Frankenstein


"Jim!  Jim!" Bird called as she darted up from where she'd been sitting upon  spotting the detective, "When can someone drive me home? I've been here  for twenty minutes."

Letting out a tired and heavy sigh he turned  to face her, "I don't know. Look around, we're kind of all hands on deck  right now."

Bird looked around, the scene was actually rather  comical –seeing the police station filled with so many circus workers in  their bright clothing and make up. In fact, if she wasn't feeling so  low she imagined she'd have gotten a kick out of it.

"What am I supposed to do?" She questioned, with a slight whine in her voice.

"Call someone or wait until things calm down." He instructed, "Until then just sit down and be patient."

"Patience  isn't exactly one of my virtues, Jim." Bird sighed, staring up to the  ceiling in a feeling of nothing less than complete and utter irritation  at how her night had turned out.

"You don't say." He sarcastically replied, equally as frustrated.

"Maybe I'll just call Harvey." She shrugged.

"Dent?" Jim questioned.

"No,  Harvey Bullock." Bird arched a brow as she spoke, "I'm sure he's got  nothing better to do on a Friday night than be me chauffer around Gotham  City." She dramatically paused before loudly exclaimed, "Yes, I'm  talking about Harvey Dent!"

"No, you don't need to call Dent." Jim quickly said, his eyebrows lowering in an almost angered look as he spoke.
Catching Bird entirely off guard, who let out a low, nearly unhinged laugh as she asked, "Did you really just tell me no?"

"Just  wait a little while longer and I'll either find someone to take you  home, or I'll drive you myself, okay? Just try to be patient until  then." He pleaded.

Judging from the mixed expression of anger and  disbelief on the brunette's face, he guessed she wasn't used to be being  told no, or having to wait on someone when she needed something.
She  was a Wayne after all, probably grew up used to having everyone jump at  her commands –he grew more sure of his assumptions when Bird, sighed,  "Patient for how long?"

"I don't know." Rubbing a hand over his  face he looked past her to see Jerome sitting on a bench just outside of  the room he was going to be questioning him in soon and added, "If you  want to make yourself useful, bring him a cup of water or something  –it's still going to be a few more minutes before I can talk to him."

Looking over her shoulder to where the redhead was sitting she asked, "Does it look like I work here?"

"He's  eighteen and just saw his mother's dead body... can't you be just a  little sympathetic to this?" Jim sighed, before he caught sight of Lee  from across the station and quickly walked off to speak with her.

With  a burdened sigh, she did as he'd suggested and got a cup of water and  sat down beside Jerome, holding the cup out she said, "Water?"

Slowly he took the glass from her, avoiding her eyes as he politely replied, "Thank you."

"Sorry about your mom." Bird said, empathizing with the loss, "I just lost my parents earlier this year too."

When  he finally looked over at her and his green eyes locked with hers, it  didn't take long before Bird was easily able to see past the tears and  the act he was putting on.
Despite his looking normal enough on the outside, she could see the darkness lurking there beneath the surface.

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